Bus Ride - HighSchool AU

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A/N: I have a lot on my plate with my college work, so that's why this is out late
My sleep schedule is also RIP so ye~ 😌


P.S I drew the picture :D so please do not steal it!! I worked really hard on it!!!!!

Word Count: 2094

Enjoy! :)

*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

I stood on the sidewalk as I waited for my friends. I just got out of my last class of the day, so I stood there. It's kind of weird- a 10th grader afraid of crossing the street. Well it was because when I was younger I got hit by a car.
Suddenly my phone started to go off and I saw it's a text from Adam.

From Adam: Sorry buddy can't hang out today me and Barney got detention and have to clean up the cafeteria. :( We started that food fight during Lunch B XD

I chuckled, but then not a moment later a text from Cam came in

From Cam: I'm sorry that I couldn't walk with you. Parents picked me up. Got hit with a rock in gym today ;-;

Quickly I texted them back,

To Adam and Cam: It's okay I'll just take the bus.


From Cam: Alright be careful

To Adam and Cam: Will do

I put my phone away and stood there awkwardly. It was winter time so I made it worse to were the sun goes down quicker. But I wasn't bothered by the cold, even if it was 4:30 at night.

"Why are you standing here by yourself?" A voice asked from behind

I spun around quickly to find one of my bullies standing there, Max Mithzan. His hands were comfortably resting in his jacket pockets, as he looked down at me.

"I-I-I. . . I- um-."

He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a straight face, "Take a deep breath. Calm down."

I could feel my face heating up as I look at his hand that rested on my right shoulder. But I do as I was told and calmed down, "I was. . . Gonna take t-the bus home. . ."

He looked at me for a moment, his expression never changing, "I'll come with you."

"W-wait? W-what?! I-I-I'm-." I stuttered out of pure nervousness. Why am I stuttering so much?! Great now I gave him another reason to beat me up! The books I held in my arms, I brought them closer to my chest. And stood there waiting for him to hit me or to start make fun of me.

He replied, "My parents forgot about me again, so I need to take the bus anyways." I looked at him with wide eyes, as he walked off into the street, my eyes still following him. Max stopped and looked back at me, "Well are you coming or not?"

"Ummm." I nervously said my face was probably as red as a tomato at this point so I looked down quickly, taking in interest in my shoes. The next thing I knew was that he tilted my chin up so I could look at him. Max's face was literally maybe 4 inches from my face. I caught his scent and damn did he smell so good. His natural musk invaded my nose as did his cologne. My eyes rolled back as I was trying to get closer to him.

"Hello? Are you okay?" Max's voice suddenly pierced through my train of thought. I looked at him and realized what was going on. My body was touching his and I was softly moaning. Quickly I back away from him as my face was still red and I could hear him chuckle softly. I wanted to cry as I felt tears threatening to fall. Max grabbed my hand and once again I looked up at him with my blurry vision.

MithzanxRoss Oneshots {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now