Doughnuts - Real Life

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This one is requested by CjMoxleyAmbrose

(It's a rush story so yeah.)

During the doughnut challenge there is something in one of the doughnuts that Max is allergic to and Ross has to figure out how to help his boy friend.

Hated Doughnut Chosen for Allergy: Strawberry Jelly Filled Doughnut

But let's put a little twist shall we? :D


P.s How's that for a rush story? I think it turned out nicely 😏

Word Count: 1286


*~ 3rd person's P.O.V ~*

"Are you sure this will work?" Asked one voice as they exited the doughnut shop

"I'm positive." Replied the other as they smiled with a toothy grin

"If he gets pissed this is all on you." The 1st growled as they got closer to their car

-----> Time Skip with The Doctor <-----

A few hours later. . .

*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

"So. . . We're doing the doughnut challenge?" I asked as I sat down on the couch with Max sitting right next to me. I was currently playing with sprinkles as I listened to Adam.

"Yeah. Don't worry you'll love it." He smiled brightly while I looked at Max. He smiled and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry babe. It'll be fun."

A nervous grin crawled on my face as I scratched the back of my head. Barney walked over and sat in between us. Which earned him a growl from Max. But I shook my head and he huffed while everyone was getting ready. They didn't take that long as they set up the camera and lighting equipment. Soon enough Adam was starting the intro and we were blindfolded by the butter T-Shirts. I placed sprinkles off to the side as we started. The first few doughnuts were decent, some I couldn't tell, but there was one.

"Nope." I stood up and stumbled my way to the trash can. Strawberry Jelly filled. Ugh. I spat into the trash can an Adam kept yelling at me to put on my blindfold. But I retorted by saying I wasn't looking. For a moment me and Max argued over helping him out. But as I went to grabbed his hand, I heard something drop.

"Max?" I quickly turned and saw him on the floor. He was having trouble breathing as he clutched both his chest and throat. "MAX!" I shouted as I fell to my knees, "Someone call 911! Max look at me." I cupped his face as I heard multiple people rushing around. I tired my best to calm his breathing, "Are you allergic to anything?"

"S-strawberries." He wheezed out

"Sorry." I muttered as I got up, grabbed a pair of scissors, and ran back to his side. His eyes widen in fear, "Don't worry-." I said as I began to cut his turtle neck down the center, "-I worked at a hospital remember?" Once the shirt was cut down the center I looked at his chest. It rose and went down at a rapid pace. No hives. Quickly I checked his pulse, it was going at a rapid pace as well. His face was now growing pale as I quickly rolled him to his side, "I'm rolling you over to your side so that if you barf then you won't choke on it."

I looked up and saw the scene around us. People were clearly freaking out, "Adam!" I shouted and he looked over at me


"How long till the paramedics get here?" I asked my voice seriousness and he looked at me. So I asked again, "Did they say how long?!"

"Ohh- um. They said five minutes."

"Shit." I cursed as I looked back over at Max. I brushed his hair out of his face.

"Ross?" He wheezed. "I-."

"You're going to be fine." I felt tears trying to break threw my eyes and I didn't want my voice to crack.

"I need to tell you something." He wheezed out again as he cupped my face and pulled me into a small but passionate kiss. Parting for air I felt the tears break through as I clutched his torn shirt and our foreheads resting on one another. "Ross. Babe. Please don't cry." His voice was full of sincerity

"I might lose you. . . Because I wasn't quick enough. . . to help you." I sobbed as he sat up and I buried my head in the crook of his neck. As I was straddling his waist. I felt everyone stop and slowly look at us.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't want to make you cry. . . It was just a prank."

I stopped crying and looked at him, "What?"

"It's just a prank. . . surprise." Adam shouted awkwardly

I looked at Adam and then at Max. I got up and walked away from them.
I could hear them shout my name, but the first person who grabbed my wrist, I yanked it out of their hold and turned around. I was to angry to speak. So I quickly slapped him hard across the cheek. I could hear the others wince as they saw. He looked down at me his hand covering the blooming red mark that spread across his left cheek.

"I deserved that." He muttered as I nodded in response

And quickly walked away. Not bothering to grab the car keys. I wanted to walk home.


I don't know how long I was walking for but it was already night. My phone died not to long ago. My feet were killing me, and I was super tired. Luckily my eyes were now less puffy then they were earlier. So I was walking into our apartment complex in the dark with only the streetlights to guide my way home. I walked up to our door and reached for the knob. I gave it a twist and found it surprisingly that it was even open. But as soon as I opened the door I stood there in disbelief.

Our apartment was filled to the brim with flowers. They ranged from white to the brightest colors. Tulips, roses, sunflowers, and all of those. I was really breath taken. As I entered our apartment I noticed a few cards.

'I'm Sorry.'

'Please Forgive Me.'

'I love you.'

Those were the most common, but there was one that stood out. There where rainbow roses on the dinning room table. As I advanced closer, I picked up the card.

'These are all stupid ass sorry cards. I'm a fucking idiot.'

I couldn't help but laugh since this was really what he'd say. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as I heard the voice that belong to them, "I'm an idiot for doing that to you babe."

Still not trusting my voice I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him in closer. . . Not wanting for him to disappear. . . Since I could have lost him today. I felt myself break down crying as he ran his fingers through my hair and his other hand rubbing circles on my back. I nuzzled deeper into his neck taking in his scent. Max picked me up and took me to his room and laid me on the bed. Both of us stripping to nothing but our boxers as we crawled under the blankets. Max wrapped his arms around me protectively as mine wrapped around his neck. Our legs intertwined as we got comfortable. His head resting on my head as mine on his chest. Both of us laid in comfortable silence for only God knows how long. But I'd already forgive him, and he knew it too. Soon I felt my eyes grow heavy as I heard his soft snores. With his steady heart beat I fell asleep to the music it played.

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