Hey - Real Life

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Ps I regret nothing

Word Count: 1562


I see you standing here.

Everyday you talk to me.

I listen and reply, but you don't reply to me.

You smile though.

I love seeing your smile.

But when you leave, I'm sadden.

Sometimes friends come and hang with you.

I'll admit I get a little jealous sometimes.

But I kiss you on the cheeks,

Still showing your mine.

You blush and smile cheesily.

But you haven't been coming around lately

I hardly ever see you smile

Is depression hitting you?

Please don't let it.

I wipe my tears when I see you and I start to tell you how I've been.

Even if you stay quiet, I don't mind at least you are listening.

You always said that you love it when I talked.

Though lately I've been quiet since you seem to be drifting away.

Please don't leave.

I don't like to be alone.

I don't want you to be alone either.

I wrap my arms around you and you shudder. Even with my hoodie I was still cold in your grip.

But you get out from my attempt at a warm embrace, while I stand there and watch you leave. I didn't know that would be the last day I saw you here in the sleepy little town of ours.

When you graduated from Highschool, you up and left.


Why would you leave me?

I love you. . .

Even as I walk around town.

I still think of you.

Your eyes.

Your morning hair.

Your smile.


How are you?

Are you doing okay?

I've been doing. . .


Since you left.

I hang around the hospital, a lot lately.

I've meet some nice people, but they leave too.

Except this one girl.

She walks around in a blue dress, barefoot, and has pale skin like me. Though she can't see, she still talks to me. She said she's waiting for someone. Even though she doesn't want them to come yet. It's too early for him to come, even if he's in pain.

How many years has it been since we last saw one another?



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