Pool - Real World

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This one is requested by KatiePitts

Ross is accidentally pushed in a really deep pool and Max like saves him before he can drown.
Or like someone's trying to drown him and Max saves him.
Twist and turns 😏

I blame Sherlock along with Johnlock moments kidnapping me for a bit. :( Literally I got a ton of HW so ye~

Bye :)


Word Count: 1411


Age 6

*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

"Mommy. . ." I mumbled quietly as I shuffled around the house, "Where are we going?"

She looked down at me and smiled, "Well Ross we got invited to a birthday party for an old friend of mine he is having for his son. He's around your age. It's a pool party too, so go bring your floaties."

(Yeah I grew up with water wings being called floaties #Thuglife XD)

"Okay." I smiled as I ran back to my room. I've never been to a pool party before. "Okay Thundermuffin you hold down the fort!" I told my stuff chicken who sat on my bed.

"Come on Sweetie we have to leave!" My mom shouted

"Coming!" I replied back as I grabbed whatever else I needed and closed the door behind me


"Hey I'm glad you could make it!" My moms friend said happily as he hugged her

"Same here." She laughed and hugged him back

"So is this Ross?" He smiled as he looked down at me

"Yes sir I'm Ross." I replied as I hid behind my mom

"Shy one aren't we?" He chuckled, "I wish Max was as polite as you. Ross, you can go walk around I'm gonna catch up with your mom."

"Okay." I nodded and shuffle off nervously around the house until I found myself in the backyard. There I ran to the flower bed and sat down there. I wasn't usually good with talking to people. I always kept to myself. "Hey there little guy." I whispered as a butterfly  landed on a flower, "How are you doing?"

"I'm good and you." My eyes widen

"Y-you can talk!?"

"No. I did." The voice replied and I looked up my eyes got even wider. A boy stood there in front of me. He had fiery red hair, freckles all over his face, a bandaid on his cheek, and wore nothing but his swim trunks. "What are you doing over here? The pools that way." He turned and pointed over at it

I shly looked away, "Umm. . . I don't swim that good." As I wiggled my arms.

He smiled down at me and held out his hand. The fiery haired kid smiled a large toothy grin with a missing front tooth, "I'll teach you how to swim! The names Max by the way. Birthday Boy!"

I smiled back as I took his hand, "I'm Ross and I like chickens."

-----> Tardis Skip : 11 Years Later <-----

"Please leave me alone." I whimpered as I stood there in the locker room with Nick, Ghetto, AK, and Shark surrounding me. They managed to corner me during lunch time.

"Aww what's the matter Narwhal? Cat got your tongue? Or dog got your tongue you little fag." Nick grinned evilly before he spat on me

I slumped to the floor and curled up into a ball. I didn't want them to continue this. My phone vibrated but I ignored it they continued to call me names.

"Hey Boys I think he wants to go swimming." Nick suggested

I froze. All the blood in my face left. I can't swim for the life of me. At this point I was shaking more then a leaf. I even attempted to to scoot even closer into the corner.

"He looked like a scared rabbit. Grab him."

The 3 lunge for me and held me in a tight grip. I tried to yell, but one of them hit me in the back of my head. Causing me to yelp in pain as they carried me over to the pool. No one was around. It was only us. Everyone else was in the court yard, and there was no PE this period. Even with my head hurting I was now more then ever fighting out of their grip. But they hit me and kicked my legs. I fell to the floor aching in pain. Nick put his foot on my side and applied more pressure. I held in my scream as tears streamed down my face.

"Pathetic Narwhal. . ."

"You have no right to call me that." I growled weakly

"Really? Only your boyfriend?" He spat at me once more, "You wasted my time long enough. I guess it's time for you to take a dip and see if you can actually breathe underwater." He kicked me hard in the stomach which sent me over the edge of the pool and into the cold freezing depths.

I held my breath, eagerly trying to reach the surface as I kicked and clawed to no use. Their laughter traveled through the water. As I let go of my breath and vision getting hazy. I floated down to the deep art of the pool.

I was gonna die. . .

At school.

Before I could even tell him.

Their laugher died down and something jumped into the water. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pulled me up to the surface. Who ever it was grunted and threw me on to the pool side. My wet curly hair hugging my face and eyes fluttering.

"Please don't die." They pleaded as they began to preform CPR on me. Their lips were soft.

After they related the process I threw up the water. Struggling to breath as they patted my back.

"What the hell Narwhal?" They sighed I looked at them. My vision instantly sharping to my best friend and crush. Max's eyes were misty as he looked at me. I could feel the tears and I instantly hugged him. He hugged me back without hesitation. "The day I'm not here and this shit happens to you." His voice cracking a little, "I could have lost you! Now please tell me what happened."

"T-they cornered me in the lockers. Called me names. Hit me and kicked me. The usual. But what are you doing here? Didn't you get suspended for setting a teacher's car on fire?" I tilted my head as he chuckled

"Yep. But I knew something was wrong since you didn't answer your phone. So I stole my dads car, came here, and saw Nick with his goons kick you in to the pool. Hell I jumped the fence and beat the crap out of them before I jumped in and got you." He smiled

"You are always protecting me." I felt my cheeks heat up as he cupped my cheek with his hand. I looked at him as his thumb gently slid across it.

"Well I have to protect my Narwhal." He smiled as I grabbed his wrist and returned the smile. "Because if you died. . . then I'd lose my candle that lights the darkness and keeps my inner evil away."

That's when he leaned in and kissed me. It was small but full of love. And I returned the kiss as I crawled on to his lap. When we parted for air we looked at one another.

"I love you a lot and I don't want to lose you." Max whispered

He was like a selfish child. One that would do anything to keep his toys away from others. And if some one dared to touch his mint condition Pokemon card, he'd beat the crap out of him. No joke. 6th grade he beat up a kid for calling me a wuss and tried to steal his favorite card. I figured that out along time ago. He'd always protect me and became super jealous when some girl or boy got a little to close. I guess that's why I fell in love with my best friend. He was protective and he always knew how to make me smile- even if I was close to death on several occasions. The first time being at his birthday party, all those years ago.

I smiled back and whispered, "I love you, too, and I'm glad I have you're in my life."


I have the biggest headache on earth. It's a little over 3 am. Le sigh ;-;

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! :D

Goodnight/Good morning

2 sugars please

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