Lost - Fallout 4 AU

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**This one is requested by denchandrawsstuff and BillCipherBooty **

denchandrawsstuff - You know, I kinda want to see like. . . a sad AU

BillCipherBooty - I liked the Fallout one. Can we have another Fallout AU as well as a Crafting Dead AU?

Alrighty then might as well kill 2 birds with one stone right?

I will warn you I'm not that good at writing sad stuff in general. That's why most of the endings are happy :) because I don't like to see people or characters sad.


Word Count: 1148


*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine ~

I stood there off to the side as I watched you die.

You make me happy when skies are grey ~

I ran over to you. Hugging your soon to be lifeless body. I held it close to me tightly as you whispered something my ear.

You never know, dear, how much I love you ~

"The clouds. . . Look really beautiful. . . Don't they?" You held my cheek kissing me softly, "Just like the first time I met you. . . So please don't cry. . . Your ocean eyes don't deserve tears." You were wiping my tears away

"Sky." You called weakly, "Don't let him get hurt and watch over him for me." Your heart came to a slow beat as he nodded in response, tears coming down his face. And you passed with a smile on yours.

Please don't take my sunshine away ~

My heart was racing as I did nothing. Regret fills me as much as the burning bitter sweet taste of alcohol fills me.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping ~

You know I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night. Thinking you're there laying right next to me, with an arm slung over me.

I dreamt I held you in my arms ~

But then I realize you aren't. And I cry myself back to sleep. Sometimes Sky will comfort me, but he has his own sleeping troubles.

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken ~

Sober or drunk. I'll fall asleep with a tear stained face and bottle in my hand.

So I hung my head, and I cried ~

Karma is a bitch and depression is its mistress.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine ~

I stuck with Sky this entire time, love. Never once did I leave. He lost a brother and friend. While I lost my one and only lover and soul mate.

You make me happy when skies are grey ~

Because if I left him, he might end his life. Just like how he shot the target. With a gun in one hand and a bullet going through his head. And he's there to help me as well. Or else I would have kicked the chair underneath me a while ago.

You never know, dear, how much I love you ~

I really fucking miss you.

Please don't take my sunshine away ~

You were the only thing I cared about in this God forsaken waste land.

I'll always love you and make you happy ~

Guess what? I ran into Herobrine the other day. Yeah I fucking ran into the piece of shit known as the King of Monsters, and gave him a piece of my mind. While we were on a job, and taking a break at the local watering hole. Asking him why he had to take you. Sky tired to calm me down. But I kept going. Knowing full well he'd kill me. And I wanted him to. But he stay there. Stood there silently.

"WELL?!" I asked

"I lost someone to the asshat known as fate, too." He replied bitterly as he took a swig of his moonshine. We stayed quiet. Watching him as he started to cry. Yeah. The bane of evil, crying. He looked at us, and he continued.

If you will only say the same ~

He told us a story about a girl with raven black hair and mixed matched eyes known as The Light. Or in other words his soon to be wife. And how she died to save everyone 200 years ago. And how she even had a roll in Saving Camera Face. That's why the sun is so dim, too. It's because the real one died a long time ago. He tells us that if we see fate, to put a bullet through his head, that's if he doesn't do that first.

But if you leave me to love another ~

Not to long later he left. Only to say this before leaving, "It's not worth it to pull the trigger. Trust me. I've done it more then a dozen times."

You'll regret it all one day ~

Some days I hear your voice. Telling me how to angle the gun before I kill a target. I turn back and smile, but your aren't there. And I'll start to cry quietly. Hugging the gun I kept from you. And the scarf you wore is now what I ware. Your scent is still strong.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine ~

Here we are now. A whole year later. A whole fucking year without you. Sky is doing okay. He's been taking care of me. He's kept your promise.

You make me happy when skies are grey ~

I can feel the tears now as I look at your grave. The flowers have really grown nicely and the dirt is slowly forming into grass. Sky sat on one side of the grave and me on the other.

You never know, dear, how much I love you ~

I hold up the bottle of strongest Russian vodka, that I could get my hands on, to you as tears streamed down my face. I wish I was as strong as you Max. I wish I didn't have attempt suicide every once in a while. Just to see your face again.

Please don't take my sunshine away~

With my tears breaking into sobs, as Sky held in his own. He quietly drank from an equally strong bottle tequila. And I sang aloud, repeating the line over and over again, my words surely becoming a slur the more I continued,

"Please don't take my sunshine away~."

*~ 3rd Person P.O.V ~*

"Why do we have to watch the ones we love suffer?" The clean shaven ginger asked he looked over at the figure that stood next to him. "Why can't we just-."

"Because." The girl with raven black hair replied as she looked at the ginger with soften and weeping tear filled eyes, "Fate is a cruel bastard who loves to mess with people. Making others think they're dead. For his own amusement." He looked away and at the fire sword he was given.

"How do you put up with it?" He replied after a long pause from looking at his sharp bladed sword

"By not letting him pull the trigger." She smiled sadly while holding a bow in hand

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