Basorexia - Minecraft

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(n.) The overwhelming desire to kiss

Got the inspiration from the picture above when I found it on WeHeartIt (I love that app)

I thought it was a little short so I added some flavor to the soup pot ;) it might not be the best since I felt like I slapped this whole chapter together ;-; le sigh~

Nonetheless everyone. . .



Word Count: 1697


*~ Ross P.O.V ~*

I sat there looking at Max as he talked to me about how to make a proper TNT. We were at his house sitting on his bed. Well him on his bed and me on the floor. Max smiled as he now talked to me about his love for TNT. Which was interesting normally when we talked about a subject he wouldn't/hardly say a thing. But if it came to explosions and any type of destruction; then he's all over it like zombies and people. Ha. No wonder he's great friends with Herobrine. Every now and then I'd say 'aaa' or 'ooo' at what he told me. Though staring at your best friend/crush can make you all tingly inside. . . That and my pants getting tighter. Shit! I hope he doesn't notice. Seriously the longer I sat here listening to him, the more I wanted to kiss him. My eyes causally go down to his lips from time to time as I take in every feature of them. As I thought to myself,

'I wonder what he tastes like?'

"Hey Ross? Overworld to Ross?" Max chuckled as he shoved me playfully, just enough for me to snap back to reality. I looked at him as he now sat in front of me

"Wha?" I replied shaking my head as I looked up at him, my cheeks feeling warm

"You were out of it for a while, I honestly thought I would have to kiss you to get your attention." Max chuckled which made my face heat up more. I brought my legs close to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I could tell Max was smiling as he shuffled my hair, "'Ey I'm sorry Narwhal, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"I wouldn't have mind the kiss. . ." I mumbled softly to myself

But a pair of hands grabbed my waist and jerked me toward someone's lap. I looked up and saw that I was a few inches from Max's face. At this point all the blood was probably in my face and my clothed member. He titled my chin up and looked at me with half lidded eyes. Filled with lust.

"You would?" He asked

"Ye." I replied

Max chuckled playfully, "Good. I thought I wasn't the only one."

"Wha-?" Before I asked I was cut off by a pair of soft lips. I closed my eyes and kissed back, once the shock wore off. I Moaned a little as the kiss deepened. My arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist as he stood up, never disconnecting the kiss. Slowly he went and laid me on the bed, my fingers tugging and lacing through his hair. When we parted for oxygen, I whined only a little, with him hovering over me.

He husked, "Cherries and Sugar. . . Just as I thought. Fruity. Sweet. . . Addicting." He leaned down and kissed along my neck

"Heh. Pineapples and Strawberries." I replied with smile as I tired to not moan which failed, "Max~."

He pulled away and smiled, "Yes Narwhal?"

I looked up at him, "I love you."

Max smiled brightly as he leaned down making our noses touch, or we Eskimo kissed, "I love you, too."

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