Drawing You - R! Highschool AU

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It's been so long hasn't it? ^^ Since we last saw these two? 😏


Word Count: 1387


*~ Maximilian's P.O.V ~*

I sat there in art class with my sketch book on the desk. Pencils, paper, erasers, and colors scattered all over my desk. Some of it was invading the empty one beside me. Honestly I was to focused into my current picture. Not paying attention to what the teacher was teaching us. Heck not paying attention to anything around me. With my sketchbook I felt like I was transported to a world of my own, one that had colors of different shades and vibrance. Suddenly a book was slammed on my desk, I straighten myself and looked up to see Mister Minter glaring back at me. Quickly I hid my drawing with my arms, my cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"Maximilian where you even paying attention?" He asked with his British accent and his blue eyes looking back at me, "What are you drawing?"

"Il's pas encore fini!" I replied in French at a rapid pace but I repeated in English, "It's not finished yet!"

He grabbed it from my grasp and looked at it. Mister Minter took off his thin black frames as he further examined the picture. The other students were starting to look as he gave me a side glance. Putting my sketchbook down gently in front of me, he said calmly,

"Meet me after class for the assignment. And the discussion of your. . . Picture." He replied

He turned back around and went back to the lesson. This time I took glances and the occasional note, but I still drew. About 20 minutes later the bell rang and everyone made themselves scarce. Leaving me and Mister Minter alone. He turned around and walked over to me,

"I'm guessing they mean a lot to you then?" He asked out of curiosity, "With that amount of detail, that's what I'm guessing." I nodded in response. He sighed as he went to his desk and came back over to me, "The assignment was to draw someone or something of importance to you. But since you've already started, then it's okay then. Nice profile by the way, it fits the image well." He replied with a smile, "Now get going you don't want to miss lunch." He waved me off

"No." I replied as I gathered all my things and threw them in my backpack. Quickly leaving the class I spotted Mrs Brine's room door open. I walked by and saw her sitting down, "Hey Mrs!" She looked over at me with a motherly smile.

"Hey Maxa." She replied as she grabbed a lunch bag from her within her own, "I know you didn't get anything to eat so here."

"Thank you." I smiled as I gave her a hug and quickly left to the football field.

I sat down at the grassy part where the practice track is and brought out the lunch bag. Inside was a sandwich, chips, and a juice. She was like my mom here at school and knew of my situation at home. I smiled as I quickly ate my packed lunch and soon brought out my sketchbook. I flipped to the page and began to work on the picture. It was coming along nicely. The colors were vibrant and the shading was on point. My face at times seemed like it was a few centimeters from my paper. Nonetheless I'd move back to stretch my back. With a smile plastered on my face I sat there happily, with the old tree used as back support, my colors surrounding me, and the breeze softly playing its music. But every once in a while I'd glance pass the gates. . .


"Detention!" Mister Zerkaa yelled, "That's the 3rd time you've been late this week, from lunch." He handed me a pink slip and I walked over to my desk. I hardly ever got into trouble, but when ever I did I normally shrug it off and get it over with. The class went by pretty quickly, and so did the rest of the classes of the day. Though as I entered the detention class I quickly put away the sketchbook and hid in the corner. Don't get me wrong I don't mind it, but it's just my bullies love to terrorize me and I was unsure if they had detention. I took out my work needed and buried my face into the history text book. I could hear Adam, Gabe, and Barney talking as they walked in.

"PleasedontseemePleasedontseemePleasedontseemePleasedontseemePleasedontseemePleasedontseeme." I muttered to myself over and over again

Suddenly the book was slammed up against my face. The impact hurt so much that I felt tears slowly stream down my face.

"Hey Maxipad." Adam sneered as the others began to laugh.

I placed my hands over my face and placed it against the desk. As I softly whimper I felt someone lightly ruffle my nearly done hair.

"Adam leave him alone." I heard their voice say as they sat next to me

"Ross what are you doing?" Adam sounded surprised

"I'm sitting next to my boyfriend, do you have a problem with that?" I picked up my head and saw my punk jock savior. Ross had one arm protectively wrapped around my waist. He looked at them his face stone cold but the protective grip said otherwise.

"When did this happen?!" Adam shouted at Ross.

"You know how to use your inside voice, Adam. Beside this happened a month ago and I don't see it ending anytime soon just to suit your needs." Ross retorted calmly as he stood up, picked me up, sat down on my seat and sat me on his lap to wipe the tears away. I could feel their eyes drilling in the back of my head. Ross sighed, "Leave since you're so upset with us." Adam muttered something as they left the detention room. Leaving us alone in there. "Now tell me Maxxy where did they hurt you?"

"Adam slammed the book against my face." I replied softly.

He smiled kindly as he planted butterfly kisses on my face, making me giggle, "Better?"

"Better." I replied as my face was turning red which earned a chuckle from him.

"You're so damn adorable Maxxy. You know that?" I shook my head as he laughed, "Here take out whatever you need to do and I'll read okay?"

"Okay." I smiled as I moved to the desk beside him and began to take out my sketch book and colors. While he took out a small book called 'Stuck in Minecraft'.

We shared a silence between us, it wasn't awkward or anything but a comfortable silence. I felt a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth as I was finishing a part to the picture with with pencil. At this point my face was a few centimeters away. Even as a reached over to grab the a marker to darken the lines. Capping the marker I grabbed a random and began to pencil it in.

"Almost. . . Just. One. More." I mumbled to myself for the seventh time. I pulled away as I looked down at my picture. My smile was even bigger then before. Quickly I looked over at Ross.

"What happened?" Ross asked as he looked up at me from is book.

"This." I replied as I placed the color down, grabbed the sketch book, and sat on his lap. Resting his head on my shoulder he looked at the picture. I saw his eyes gently trace over the page as his ghostly touch skimmed over it. Softly he closed the book and turned me around.

His ocean green eyes looked back at my light brown ones, "No words can explain how amazing that picture looks and makes me feel."

"Then show me." I whispered

Ross smiled as he cupped my face, leaned in slowly, and kissed my lips softly. My arms slowly wrapped around his neck, while his hands went and wrapped around my waist. The kiss got a little deeper and more passionate.

I'm glad. I poured my heart and soul into that picture. I had really worked on it for a few weeks now. . . and In the end it paid off.

My savior really loved it.

Just like how I really love him.


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