Monsters - R! Real Life

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Song: Monsters - Timeflies
Brought to you by originally: Pandora
But for now: YouTube

21.9k views and over 1.17k stars? Oh my fudgin' gosh this is amazing! I hope you guys are having a safe Valentine's Day.

Also sorry about this week I had a major exam. So I guess now when ever I have an exam I won't be posting possibly that week. Which reminds me when ever I have a major exam, then I won't be posting. But other then that I'll still post during the other times I don't.

So yeah have an amazing day everyone and enjoy this chapter :)


Word Count: 2815


*~ Max's P.O.V ~*


~ I see your monsters, I see your pain. ~

It was raining outside. The thunder hit their drums while lightning clashed with one another. Even the quiet sounds of pitter patter hitting my window was loud. But however this didn't wake me up. I woke up to the sounds of whimpering from the side of me.

~ Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away. ~

I rolled over to see where the sound was coming from. To the side of me and on the other bed I saw my best friend, Ross. He was crying softly as the thunder and lightning clashed some more. I've never seen him like this. So quietly I got off my bed and walked over to him. I nudged him gently,


~ I'll be your lighthouse. I'll make it okay. ~

Ross rolled over and I felt my heart break. His eyes were red and puffy. Immediately I jumped into bed with him and brought him into a hug. Ross clutched my shirt as he buried his head into my chest. I could feel his tears staining my shirt but I didn't care.

"Tell me what's wrong." I whispered into his hair

"The storm. . . It's so loud. . . I don't like it. . . It scares me." He whimpered as the storm clashed again

"Don't worry Ross. I'm not going to leave you." I whispered to him as I protected him from the storm. And I didn't mind it at all.

~ When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave, and chase them all away. ~

End of Flashback

~ A cup of coffee still steaming, staring back at me and it's blacker than the night, eh. ~

"Ross. . . " I whispered as I saw him pass by with his group of popular friends. Ross was tall now, with dark curly thick hair under a black beanie, a football letterman, black shirt, jeans, and shoes. While I the nerd looked at him. I was shorter, wearing an old cream color sweater, checker vest, white button up long sleeve, khakis, white shoes, and my hair neatly combed back.

Me and him have been drifting away since we started year 7. I doubt he'll even talk to me. Before he notices I look away and start to put in my combo in. I grabbed my text books for the day and juggle my coffee. Suddenly I felt a shove and I hit the lockers, making my pipping hot coffee spill all over my only good sweater.

"Heh. Watch it fag." Snickered a voice

~ I'm awake but still sleeping, I keep telling myself I'll be alright (I won't). ~

I felt tears tickling my eyes as I looked at the person responsible. But behind them I could see Ross standing there. He looked at me with a slight surprised expression. I forced a smile as I felt the tears come through. Quickly I slammed my locker and rushed away from the laughter until I saw TimTim and Corey.

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