Everything - Real World AU

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I just started school so stories might be coming out a little slower now. But I'm still working on a huge one. Still I hope you guys enjoy this small little horrible update :,) also I found the picture on google.



Ps. This was just a thought at 10:15pm my time

Word Count: 295


Today I saw someone

Someone I haven't seen in a long time

So much has happened

You've grown so much

Both of us have

My life as gone in so many directions

I've nearly lost myself a few times

Just looking at you I could see it all

If we stuck together

I could see a small little house

With a white picket fence

But still

I'm so glad I saw you again

Even if it was for a moment

With those fading words hitting my ears

And a hug that could linger for a life time

Even if it was just a day dream

But you made it

I'm awake now

That life I saw in the day dream

Is nothing but a blur

And this empty chair sitting by my hospital bed

Is filled by someone else other than you.

"You're alive!" They cried

Tears streaking down their face

"What happened?" My voice was hoarse as I asked the question

"You were in a car crash... And you nearly died.... But some boy with curly hair...." They smiled brightly, "They gave you their heart."

"Ohh." I muttered as I clutched my chest with tears streaking down my face as I felt so much pain yet so much love

The heartbeat belonging to you glowed brightly from my chest

"What's wrong?" They asked

"Nothing....." I muttered

".... Everything." I whispered with my tears streaking passed my broken hearted smile

MithzanxRoss Oneshots {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now