Hug - Real Life

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I had to take a break from RedStone AS SOON AS I SAW THIS!

Based off of Skydoesthing'd latest video

Remember Fences are still evil! No trustest them è3é


Even though it's not RedStone I hope you enjoy~

Word Count: 742


*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

I sat in my office editing a few things. Adam's been keeping Max busy by filming him and doing some pranks on him. I saw a few of them. So I just decided to keep out of their hair for a while. The door opened and closed, with laughter coming from the other side. I didn't turn around, but I did greet them,

"Hey. Sorry I can't talk right now I'm in be middle of editing a 'Do Not Laugh'."

They didn't say a word but they shut the blinds, locked the door, and sat on the floor. Letting a sigh slip through my mouth, I stopped and took off my head phones. There on the floor, I saw Max holding out his arms and making grabby hands at me. He was pouting and obvious upset about something, so I smiled, got up, sat on his lap, and straddled his waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck, and his around my waist. Max nuzzled into my neck and kissed it softly.

"I hate everyone. . ." He muttered as I felt his grip get tighter

I chuckled and combed my fingers through his hair, "No you don't."

"Well I don't hate you. . . Just everyone else who isn't you." He pouted

"Sigh. Did they hate on Rosalina, again?" I questioned

"Yes." Max muttered, "You where there, too."

I pulled away from the hug and cupped his face, "Don't be 'sad' Max." I giggled while he only growled

"Not helping." He snarled and I only kissed his nose innocently with a smile, while he let out a groan in annoyance, "Can't . . . Ugh. . . Stay mad. . . Love. . . Narwhal."

He brought me into a another hug except this time pushed my onto the floor, and laid on top of me. I gasped out a laugh and wrapped my arms around his neck as we laid there.

"Your hugs are always the best." He replied as he flipped up to the point where we are side by side

"Really?" I asked with a smiled as kissed all around my face and our legs became entangled, "I never knew my hugs would tame a wolf." I joked while he laughed and nuzzled into my neck

"They would do a lot more if we weren't here in the offices." He muttered while my face turned red

Suddenly a knock came to my door, but something stopped it.

"Red whats yous doings, mans?" The voice sounded like Barney asked

"Umm. . . I was gonna talk to Ross about Crafting Dead?"

"No no." Barney replied, "See's that? Lights on. Hes is recordings."

A sigh and set of foot steps walked away. While Barney whispered to us through the door, "15 minutes to dos whatevers you are doings." Then he walked away.

"15 minutes, huh?" I heard Max say as he pulled away, "Let's just take a nap, babe." He kissed my neck

"I like that." I smiled back as both got comfortable with each other's hold, before drifting off.


*~ Jin's P.O.V ~*

"Relax babes. They'lls bes happies to sees you." Barney said reassuringly as he kissed my temple

Barney and I were still in the closet about our relationship. He was trying his best to cheer me up, like any good boyfriend would do. "Okay." I replied as we walked out of the kitchen and too Ross' recording room.

"Heys guys-." Barney greeted as he opened the door and I gasped

Ross was sitting on Max's lap, and clutching his shoulders. Max glared at us while Ross' moaning became a little quieter. With Max's hand stopped moving Ross looked at him, "D-daddy~? W-why'd you stop?" Ross asked with a whimper as he kissed his neck

"Because Daddy's gonna murder someone, who isn't their princess, if they don't keep their mouth shut." Max replied with the threat toward us.

Barney nodded toward them and closed the door.

"So they're-?" I asked

"Yes." Barney replied with a quick kiss

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I questioned

"Because I don'ts wants to dies and lose you." He replied and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

I giggled. If we can keep their secret, then they can keep ours.

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