You're Not Alone - Crafting Dead AU

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**Here's a picture I made off of a wallpaper website. My MC skin is in the background ^^, Ross' Doctor Skin, and finally the Crafting Dead Skin I made for Max 😁**
***(I guess you could say it's a little hint also 😏)***

What if Ross didn't die in the explosion. . .
What if he some how survived?


Ps. This is more of a lay back chapter because of ()*:・゚ random confetti reasons.

Word Count: 2655


*~ Max's P.O.V ~*

I laid there on my stomach on a dirt hill outside of DC. My finger on the trigger as I saw a stag eating grass. I'd came up from Louisiana, the humidity plus zombie gators was over doing it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them again. I pulled the trigger.

The bang was silenced by a suppresser on my silver snipper riffle.

On the butt of the gun was a gold 'Z' inscribed on it. And like that the stag went down quickly. Taking out my knife, I jumped over the hill and quickly made haste to getting the meat. I skinned the deer, and hurried to carefully removed the good from the bad. Suddenly I heard an explosion. Looking over my shoulder I saw a mushroom cloud forming in the air. With that more walkers will come. Quickly going back I got all that I could and hurried off, with my short range pistol in hand.


I woke up in one of the houses that I made my own near DC. My bed is comfortable, but still I need to get somethings. So literally rolling out of bed I gathered what I needed, showered, dressed, and headed out the door. Quickly ducking near the bushes I noticed that there were more walkers out and about.

"Great." I hissed as I hurried along the outsides

As soon as I reached the forest I booked it and made my way to DC. I wasn't that far, but still I needed to be quick and stealthy. Keeping to the trees I made it to DC, well behind the White House anyway. But the part I came to had 2 graves.

'In Loving Memory Of Barney'

'In Loving Memory Of Sky'

And the last one was smaller, more makeshift, it had a little orange flower resting in the pot. There was was a small little bear laying beside it.

'In Loving Memory Of Jordan'

I felt a small stab in my heart, as I gave my respects to the graves. Remembering my little brother TimTim. . . Wiping away the stray tear I pressed on to the business part of town. There I went into one of the buildings that didn't looked like it was broken into. Taking the fire escape I climbed my way up and went into the second story. Luckily there was a lot of good loot here. Carefully I placed them into my pack and continued to check the rooms. But as I came to the last room, I heard something fall over. Getting out my pistol I held it in front of me and walked with caution. Opening the door slowly, I walked in and nearly froze. In the corner of the room was a guy around my age. He had brown curly hair, some of his narwhal costume burnt, glasses a little bent, and his doctor outfit burnt as well. Walking with caution over I put my pistol away and bent down. Feeling his pulse it was faint, but easily detected. I picked him up bridal style and quickly leaving the building. Not wanting for him- if he was close -to die alone.


I sighed in relief as I sat back in my chair. I'd just got done tending to this guy's wounds. Looking over at him, he seemed like he'd been through a lot. Currently he had bandages on most parts of his body, but he was cuddling into the body pillow I had on the bed. Well there's only one bed, so I hope he doesn't mind. Then again I could sleep on the couch. Ohh I had to take off his clothes and put him in a spare shirt of mine and pajama shorts. His old clothes were to tattered and bloodied, so I threw them out.

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