Guppy Love - Myth AU

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Here's that second story! And honestly I just felt like writing about mermaids ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕')

- DawnADHH

Ps. I know it's short but I like it ^^

Pss. Today's just a fluff day :D

Word Count: 908


*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

These humans looked funny. I swam around with the fish in my tank as people crowded around it. In all honesty I felt what humans call 'claustrophobic' with them crowding around. I was getting nervous, and from time to time I hid behind a rock. Honestly I don't know how I got here. One moment I was swimming upstream and the next I find myself here in a museum in New York. Most of the time when the human guppies came over I would swim up to them. I'd make faces and mimic them, it was good to see them laugh even if they were sad. But when the adults came I would get super nervous and swim around in a circle. Its been a few weeks since I've been here and today apparently is the day for a high school field trip to the museum. That's what Alesa, the human who feeds me, told me. She said that there are a lot of cute boys that come through. Though I'm not really interested in human mating calls I'll just see what's gonna happen. It's around 10:30 when the buses come. I hadn't seen teenagers like myself only guppies and adults. I'm so scared that I honestly felt like I'd probably drown if I forgot to breath. Grim. I know.

"So this is the new exhibit!" Shouted the happy tone of Alesa, "He's really shy so why don't you guys give a big warm welcome to. . . Ross!"

Taking a deep breath I swam from behind my little rock with the clown fish, and over to the glass. Some of them looked like they were adults and some looked like guppies. But there was one that really stood out to me. His hair was the same color orange as a clown fish. He wore all back and his eyes calm. A deep brown if I might add.

Alesa continued, "If he waves hi to you, then wave hi since its kinda rude if you don't."

"But he's just a dumb fish." Yelled a voice

I was gonna wave hi but what that voice said made me sad. I started to swim backwards away from the boy.

"He isn't a dumb you Peanutless butter sandwich!" Alesa yelled in my defense. I've never seen her that mad before and it made me flinch. While the orange haired boy looked angry and grabbed the one the voice belonged to and threw him to the floor.

"Don't be such an asshat, Adam! Ty control your boyfriend before I make him extinct." The orange haired boy threatened as a short long haired boy comes and drags the one named 'Adam' away. "Sorry." The boy turned back to me and smiled apologetically as I smiled shyly.

"Alright everyone lets get going there's much more to see." Alesa shouted suddenly and I quickly looked over at her. She frowned like I was. Looking back over at the boy he was sadden to leave so suddenly, even as his friend grabbed his shoulder.

"Comes on, Max! Yous can have the eyes sex wits him later."

My face was practically a few inches from the glass at this point, with both hands touching the glass. The teenagers started to leave as I mouthed out, 'Please don't go.'

He had a pained expression as he was being shoved off by his friends. Quickly I swam back to behind my little rock. I didn't want him to go. . . I didn't want Max to go. After a while there was a small tapping coming from the glass. I floated and peeked my head over the rock. There standing in front of the glass was a small boy wearing nothing but military gear. He held up a small bag of popcorn (#nationalpopcornday) as he waved hi to me. I swam over to him and waved hi back.

He turned and yelled "Hey! The Merguy came over."

Suddenly a little girl walked over with tears in her big brown eyes. From where I floated the boy was taller then the girl by a foot, and she asked, "Mis-ster Ross-s are you okay?"

I shook my head, "No. . ."

"Was it that boy?" She asked as my eyes widen she smiled, "He'll come back soon." The guppy looked up and pulled the boy, "We need to leave our bus is gonna leave us any minute!"

"Okay haha." He laughed as they ran off and waved by to me. . . I laughed too since I was the only one that saw their little wings. Cupids. They always know how to cheer you up.


I swam around in my tank since the museum was closed. It was after hours, Alesa had just left saying goodbye before going home. For a moment I thought I heard something that sounded like a crash, but I dismissed it as I kept swimming around. The fishes were getting tired so I decided to sing them a soft lullaby that my mom alway sang me. Half way through I heard a small tapping on the glass. Quickly I turned around and smiled at who I saw.

"Hey." Max waved

"Hi." I waved back


Goodnight NightVale. . . Beware of the hooded figures in the dog park :)

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