Malware - Computer AU

679 28 41

**** The pictures are from my phone. I kinda got lazy and was just texting myself 😅 so if you see the difference in time then you'll know ****

It's been so long. SO LONG. Since I last updated this book. Or well idk. Either way. I hope you guys like this.

And I want to set a few things down. This book already at 200k and nearly 100 chapters. Like wow. I didn't expect for this one shot book to be this long, and that's including non-story chapters. I'm thankful you guys put up with me for this long, even when I wasn't updating for that while. Should I do something for 200k? Idk 😐
Since we are getting close to this being 100 chapters, I was wondering. End it there or tie up some loose ended stories (Like CreepyPasta AU, Computer, etc.) and then end it. I'm honestly not sure. This book is a year old, A YEAR OLD, since November. For the OG readers, it's been a long time, and for the new readers I'm happy you came across this book.
I don't think a lot of people write Mithross anymore, since I think someone persisted with Max and Ross to much and cause the ship to sink a bit. Idk. Or people just don't ship it. I'm slowly going on that boat, but Mithross will always have a place in my heart along side the other ships I have. Anyway just let me know, I'm kinda on the fence for it. I might decide later when I think about it.

Anyway sorry for spoiling the mood.

I hope you guys have an awesome day/night ^_^



Word Count: 4732


*~ Max's P.O.V ~*

<p><span style="text-decoration:
/><strong>Open:</strong> <em>/Knight/&nbsp;</em></p>


Open: /Knight/

Chat Room: Knight

Members: 2

                - LIfEoFdeatH – Online
                - paStelRedpiratE – Online

LIfEoFdeatH Is Typing...

[LIfEoFdeatH] < Hello Max. >
[LIfEoFdeatH] < What are you doing? >

I looked at the computer as I stopped my pacing back and forth. My heart was racing and I felt my stomach go uneasy. I quickly ran over and sat on my chair as I began to type a response

paStelRedpiratE Is Typing...

[paStelRedpiratE] < I'm fucking freaking out that's what the fuck I'm doing! >

[LIfEoFdeatH] < Why's that? >


[LIfEoFdeatH] < I do but remind me again. >

[paStelRedpiratE] < OHMYFUCKING-! >

I pulled my hair out almost when I began to type furiously back.

[paStelRedpiratE] < I hacked into the school's fucking easy and weak as hell data base and made myself a fucking student! I even went as far to make sure I left traces and paused periods from nearly a year ago! >

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