Argument - Real Life

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I'm sorry you guys it's been a while since I've posted anything

I've just been busy with work and summer vacation. But I've been working on another story and it's going to be a big one ^^'

Anyways! This is based off one of my dear friends who managed to go to vidcon, and I just had the sudden inspiration to write something. I know it's short but I wanted to at least get something out.

Even though I don't ship them as much, I have those urges to write about them. It's weird but I hope you guys understand

So for now ladies and gentlemen...!


- DawnADHH

Ps. I've been addicted to Yuri on Ice and especially South Park *whispers in raspy voice*.... Send help.... *goes back to face hugging my phone and tv*

Word Count: 376


*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

I felt someone yank me off to the side as curtains fell around us.

Quickly, I saw that we were in a closet filled with cleaning supplies and various other promotional material.

"What the hell is your problem?" I heard a voice hiss in my face

I gazed and saw Max pinning me to the wall, "What the fuck do you mean?"

"You're being a prick to our fans." He let me go as he glared at me, "Legit. Get your shit together, Ross!"

I huffed as I scowled at him, "Maybe if someone-." I poke his chest, "Would actually stop being rude maybe I will!"

"IM NOT BEING RUDE! IM BEING NICE! Remember that blonde girl who Skype her friends? You were such an asshat to her! Even the dozens of other fans who actually wanted a picture with us!" I could see the fumes coming off of him, "You know what?" He took in a deep breath, "Just go back to the hotel. Take a walk. Do something to clear your mind. Because honestly right now, the way you're acting, you're pissing me off."

Before I could react, he left and slammed the door behind himself.

"You said we would have fun." I finally managed to say before I just sat on the floor and cried.

It was just supposed to be us

Not for her come along


Damnit... I hate these fucking emotions...

MithzanxRoss Oneshots {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now