Advice - MC / Real Life

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Inspired by the lastest Cops n Robbers video ft CaveManFilms and The Sky, TimTim, w/ Gizzy going to lunch vlog a combo of both :)

I'd been working on this one for a over a week now so I hope you guys enjoy~.


Ps Over 5k views?! And 327 stars?! I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying this book really I am. You guys are amazing, honestly! I know I've probably said it before but really you guys are! :D

Word Count: 1217


*~ Max's P.O.V ~*

Luckily Adam hadn't started the video yet. Thankfully he put me and my princess in the same cell- alone.

I pinned Ross to the wall by holding his hands above his head, and looked at his face. His eyes were closed, face red from blush, he was even biting his lip to quiet himself. I felt a smirk crawl on to my face since he was being so submissive before anything could start. I leaned closer to him and husked in his ear,

"You look so beautiful Ross~." My free hand traveled down his side and stopped as thigh. I gently nibbled on the top of his ear and I began to rub circles. Earning a few quieted moans from him as he arched his back. "We don't have a lot of time. So~ let's make this quick shall we?" My hand stopped as it traveled to his crotch and began to rub his clothed hard on. He nodded his head eagerly as he bit his lip even more to quiet his moans. I leaned in and captured his lips, my tongue slipped in with ease as he parted his lips for me. I explored his mouth as if my life depended on it. My little narwhal tasted so sweet as I could taste cherries and sugar. "Mmmm~." I hummed quietly into the kiss. His bulge was getting bigger so I rubbed it harder and rougher just like how he liked it.

"Daddy~." He mumbled/moaned into the kiss as he began to buck his hips in my hand. As he threw his head back, with his mouth wide open.

"Not here princess." I cooed my hand stopped making him whine lowly.

"Please. . . D-daddy~? Please~?" I could feel my pants getting tighter. Ross was really being submissive which was really turning me on. But I had to control myself. If not I'd tear him apart or someone could TP (Teleport) to us in the middle of our 'playtime'. I stopped the kiss and kissed down his neck but bit him on his shoulder. He closed his mouth to muffled would be loud whined. I looked in his eyes and saw them as they were still clouded with lust.

"No. When we get home princess." I growled at him, but I licked and sucked the bite mark to ease the pain a little.

"O-okay D-daddy~." He stuttered a reply with a slight frown. I sighed as I pushed my clothed member on to his roughly, and bit him playfully. I growled lowly which got him to moan out very loudly.

"You'll get more when we get home~." I husked into his ear before backing away, "Fix yourself up we might be teleported at any moment." At that moment I got a private message from Adam.

SkyTheKidRS --> Me : Alright I hope you guys finished your make out session

I chuckled at the second one he sent

SkyTheKidRS --> Me : I didn't know Ross was vocal!? I had to explain to Barney and Cave saying that it was a chicken.

I went and showed Ross the message, and immediately after reading them his face turning red from embarrassment. I chuckled and brought him closer to me in a hug, as I peppered butterfly kisses all over his face. And I whispered to him, "Well. . . I do love it when you're vocal."

-----> Tardis Send Us To After The Recoding For Lunch Time <-----

We sat down in my office. Well I was laying down on the floor with Ross laying on top of me. My door was locked. Which is good. He was so tired from the recoding as he laid his head on my chest. His soft snores filling the quiet room. I had one hand laying behind my head, while the other played with his hair. Ross had told me that he'd bought a katana off of amazon before he passed out. Suddenly a knock came to the door. Ross shifted from the sound as cuddled deeper into my chest. I shook him softly,

"Hey. Hey babe?" I whispered he looked up at me with half open eyes and a tired yawn

"Ye?" He answered tiredly

"I need to get up, go sit in my chair."

"Okay." He replied with a pout as he got up and sat in my chair and curled into a small ball. While I stood up and straightened myself. I unlocked and opened the door, I stood there as I saw Cave.

"Hey. What's up?" I leaned in the doorway hoping he wouldn't see Ross.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked, "Wait! Is that Ross? Awwe He looks so adorable!"

I closed the door behind me and growled at Cave. "That was Ross, but he's sleeping."

Obviously noticing my anger, he backed away, "I didn't mean to do that even though he looks adorable! I just wanted to know if you were a couple. But you answered my question already."

"Why would you want to know? You know what? Ha. Let me tell you something 'friend'." I shoved him against the wall, "Do you know how many people or hybrids flirt with him!?" I hissed under my breath, "Do you?"

"Look I was gonna give you some relationship advice. Besides I'm straight, so please don't hit me." Cave replied as I looked in his eyes. I let him go and he straighten himself out, "Well that's good. You're very protective of him. Kinda rare to find in this day and age." He stood up and smiled, "He's a keeper and don't let him go okay? Trust me. I did that once with a girl. . ." Cave's eyes got a little misty as remembered a fond memory of the girl.

"Cave?" I mumbled with uncertainty

"Yeah? Oh sorry." He apologized with a smile as he wiped his tears, "Remember what I said okay? Don't let him go. He's a keeper." With that said he walked away, leaving me alone.

I don't know how long I stood there but I heard a small yawning voice from behind, "Maxxy?" I turned to see Ross rubbing his eyes, "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. . . I'm glad that I have you though." I replied as I picked him up, his legs wrapping around my waist, as his arms went around my shoulders, and my arms held his legs in place. "I'm really glad I have you." I started to walk away from my office, as he looked at me.

"Umm? Max, where are we going?" Ross asked nervously


"Don't we have to- ?" Ross was cut off as I pressed my lips against his for a moment

"Adam won't mind besides. . ." I stopped as I leaned in and husked into his ear, "I want to finish what we started earlier~."



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