Secret - Sleepover AU

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** Update: I drew this picture a few days ago. So PLEASE do not steal it. I've worked really hard on it like all the pictures I do for this book. Thank you.**

This one is requested by PickaBoy1

Max or Ross have an older or younger sister and she knows that they like one another. And one day she slips up and tells them that the other likes them.
Okay so this is the second idea I had to brainstorm for this prompt since the first one wasn't great (?) So yeah :D


Ps Little siblings or cousins can't live with'em but can't live without'em

Word Count: 1073


*~ Max's P.O.V ~*

"What?" I looked down at Ross' sister, Toni, with wide eyes.

"Date my brother. He likes you a lot." She bluntly repeated for the second time. For a freshman she was brutally honest.

You're probably confused. Well I came over to my best friend Ross' house for a sleep over. I know that him and I are a little to old since we're juniors, but it's tradition. His little sister is also having a sleep over, too. Their parents left for the weekend so that means we have to watch them. So while Ross went to the store to get chips, I was talking to Hero and her about crushes. At first she wasn't saying a thing. But when I put candy on the table, hero shouted out.

"I like Toni!" His white eyes were wide at first but quickly dove into the nearest pillow

"My brother likes you." She while looking at the candy thinking it was valuable information. In this case it is. Since she knows that I like him.

"Are you sure." I asked again

"My bother has a picture of you in his room in a photo frame and kisses it goodnight. And when you two don't talk after an argument he cries to sleep with it." She answered bluntly her voice more quieter but she looks over Hero, places a kiss on his cheek, and whispers to him, "I like you too." With her face now fully red she raced up stairs with him following close behind.

"Whoa." I mutter

-----> Time Skips <-----

Ross and I sat on the couch in the living room watching some animated movie. Hero and Toni sat on the floor laying right next to each other. They'd been whispering and giggling the entire time.

"So. . ." I whispered, "Ross?"

"Ye?" He whispered back

"Where did you're parents go exactly?" I asked him

"Not where but when. Honestly I don't know. Melody went with them, when the Raggedy Doctor came earlier." He replied nonchalantly his eyes still glued to the screen. "So they might come back later on tonight. Tomorrow. Next week. Hopefully not next month. . . Or in 2 years." He sighed

"Really?" I asked I knew about their long time family friend but not as much to where they go.

"Yeah." He looked down from the TV and at his little sister and Hero, both softly snoring. I yawned and put an arm around his shoulder bringing him closer to me. Ross laid his head on my shoulder, as I began to rub his shoulder. "It's just so frustrating sometimes. Honestly I feel like her parent then our own!"

I brought him closer to me his head now laying on my chest, and our legs intertwined almost. "Well you were always the most responsible one out of our group of friends. Besides if that's means you're mommy then can I be daddy?" I chuckled as my fingers brushed my hair. I managed to get him to chuckle too at the lame joke.

Suddenly his smile disappeared into a frown, "What happens if they never come back? What happens if we have to move back to England? What if- what if-?" He slowly started to breakdown. Ross buried his head into my chest, his whimpers and sobs being muffled as he cried even more. His arms wrapped around my waist, with a grip thinking I'd disappear like a ghost. I ran my fingers through his hair, humming softly, and rubbed his back gently.

"Well you can count on one thing, narwhal." I said softly using his childhood nickname

"What?" Ross picked up his head looking up at me. His puffy red sea green eyes staring back at my brown ones.

"I'll never leave you." I mumbled softly as I picked him up and leaned in, capturing his lips in a soft and loving kiss. The kind you see couples do in movies. The ones that say 'I won't leave. I'm staying forever'. Our lips moved in sync as he slowly made himself comfortable, by sitting in my lap. His legs cradling my waist, and his arms going around his neck. My arms wrapped around his waist protectively. We parted for air as we looked at one another, both of our faces redder then a rose. Our heavy breathing filling the quiet room. His eyes sparkled brightly from the Tv and he looked back into mine.

"I love you and you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that for."

He giggled as cupped my cheeks and placed a butterfly kiss on my nose, "I have an idea and I love you, too."

"Ross Williams Pond."

"Yes, Max Mithzan?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Now you have no idea how long I've been waiting for that!" Ross smiled as we reconnected for the kiss

"Good! Now go to his room and have sex." A voice suddenly cut into the moment as we saw Hero and Toni looking at us.

"Our dad keeps the condoms in guest bathroom." She smiled while Hero kissed her cheek

"TONI!" Ross yelled at her in embarrassment he buried his face into chest and groaned out of frustration. All of us laughed at the comment.

With a smirk tugging at my lips I whispered to him with husk in my voice, "Don't worry babe when they go to bed. . . we can put those condoms to use~." Ross picked up his head so quickly he could have broken the sound barrier. With a red face he opened his mouth but nothing came out as I pulled him in and kissed him all over his face. Man I love him so much.


"Always. . . " _

If you don't get this quote or don't know where it's from then. . . I feel sorry for you.

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