Warning - MC / Real Life

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This chapter maybe horrible but idk hope you enjoy it :D but yeah surprise update (@^▽^@)

Takes place in the same universe as the last chapter ^^

Spontaneous inspiration after watching newest video on Skydoesminecraft's channel (The Recent Cop's and Robber's video). Took a break once again from Christmas special. ;-;
Hope you enjoy! Phone's gonna die? Love you all, bye :D
Hey that rhymed (◡≦)


Ps wrote this while shopping with my family (majority of it anyway)

Pps over 500+ Views 😱 and 53 stars?! Like dang I'd hug you all and bake you guys a pie if I could! :D

Word Count: 1081


*~ Max's P.O.V ~*


"Max you need to calm down." Adam calmly told me as I looked at him all I could see was red

Why was I so pissed? Simple. Noah. Why again? Because during the whole fucking recoding for Adam's 'Cops and Robbers' video, he kept trying to kiss Ross while no one was looking. How'd I find out? I was editing the damn video! And Adam found me after I nearly busted a window from rage screaming.

"I am calm." I replied not trying to let myself breath literal fire.

Noah strolled on in wiping his lips as came over to us, "Hey Adam and Max." He smiled brightly

"Hey!" Adam smiled back while I grunted a 'hello', "Why are you so happy?" I zoned out not caring about the conversation, I don't know how long I was out of it. But something caught me,

"Well I caught Ross under the mistletoe and-."

"What?!" My attention now fully on him.

Noah's smile got even bigger, "Yeah he was being so shy, and damn did he look fine underneath his narwhal costume."

Adam looked at me and I looked at him. He knew what I wanted to do, but first I had to find Ross. I took off without warning and ran in the direction that Noah came from. Down that hall was a mistletoe for sure. As soon as I was under it, I stopped.

"Ross?!" I shouted, "Where are you! Narwhal!"

Nothing. This wasn't good. I ran down to his office, and when I went for the handle it was locked.

"Ross?" I knocked on the door, "Babe. Open up."

I heard shuffling on the other side and a small click. Ross opened the door a little and my heart sank. His eyes were puffy from crying, costume zipper was broken, and hair a mess. My little narwhal. I made my way in and locked that door. Quickly I gathered him in a hug and he cried into my shoulder. Slowly we sat on the floor so he could be more comfortable. Ross was so broken and taken advantage by that bastard. Tears started to form in my eyes just listening to him.

"N-N-Noah c-came a-and brought me u-under. . . I-I tried to s-stop hi-him but. . . H-he almost- Noah broke. . . He touched-." He completely broke down.

I rubbed circles on his back, "Shhh. It's okay I'm here now." I was trying my hardest not to cry myself. My narwhal. My princess was violated by that fucker. I was so sad and angry at the same time, it's hard to described what I wanted to do next. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but eventually he stopped crying. Ross was still whimpering as we now laid on the floor side by side. My arms still wrapped him protectively, while he held on for dear life.

"Ross? Are you feeling better?" I whispered as I kissed him on his forehead

"Ye." He mumbled with a little nod and chuckle from the kisses.

"Okay." I stood up slowly and he followed my lead. Still holding on to him, Ross jumped up and wrapped legs around my waist. My hands immediately held his legs while his arms wrapped around my neck, "My princess is feeling a lot better." I chuckled as I captured his lips in a small but passionate kiss. However I couldn't help as my hand slowly went and grabbed his ass.

"Ye~." He moaned into the small kiss

A small Knock came to the door, we broke from the kiss and I growled, "What do you want?"

"It's Barney dirts." Replied a muffled voice, "Wes going to record a Cop n Robbers video."

"Be there in a minute!" I replied back as I then looked at him and husked into his ear, "We can finish this later." He nodded eagerly as I chuckled.

He jumped down and both of us left his office. We walked on over to the prison where we recorded last time. Noah saw us and was walking over from his conversation with the others. Ross froze in fear as I stood in front of him. "Hey Noah. Can I talk to you over here for a sec?"

"Sure." He replied with a forced smile as he followed me into one of the kitchen I quickly pinned him to the wall, "WHAT THE-?!"

"I'll give you this ONE and ONLY warning. Fucking touch Ross again. In any way. Anyway. I'll fucking go to your house and you'll be wishing the Grim Reaper were there instead of me. Understood?" My voice was stern with no room for playing around. Mudkip got a soft warning. Noah. Ha. Well he got the warning that'll lead to him punching his ticket. Mentally I smiled at those thoughts as they invaded my mind, all the whole I held a serious stone cold face that would give even Jack Frost a run for his money.

His eyes were wide in fear as he saw I wasn't playing around. That and my grip on his neck nearly snapped his windpipe. I let him go and he fell to the floor struggling to get air. He looked up at me with a mixture of fear, a few others, and 'ready to shit his pants'- all looked the same to me honestly. I chuckled darkly as I looked down at him with an evil grin.

"Hey Max! Yous warden." Barney shouted from down the hall as the gear spawned on me. I held the enchanted diamond sword up and looked at the sharp blade.

Now Noah really looked like he was gonna shit himself while all the color in face paled. My smile growing bigger, I uttered only a single word.


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