Why? - Broken AU

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5 am inspiration/spur of the moment

It's not the best but I hope you like this little difference



Word Count: 320



Why would you do that?

Why did you kiss him?

I stood there you know

Watching as you guys kiss

I don't know for how long

But when you guys parted

And your gaze focused on me

I ran

I don't know why I gave you a chance

You said you'd protect my broken heart

Instead you killed me


I'm here on the floor in my dorm room.

My wrists slit

Tears slipping down my cheeks

And Crimson blood pooling around me

I wanna leave

I hate you

You cheating bastard

But the sad thing is that

I still love you

Even as I welcome death as an old friend

I always will

My knight in black and tarnished armor



Why did he do that?

Why did he kiss me?

He knew we were dating

And he got jealous because of it

You saw everything too

Once I saw you

With horror filled eyes

You ran

Before I could explain what he did


Here I am running in the midnight rain

Clutching 2 bouquets of purple Hyacinths, 5 boxes of your favorite candies, and a bottle of red wine.

I hope I'm not to late

I hope I can make it on time

Because I know how close you are to the edge

Like I promised you before

If you fall off

I'm gonna bring you back up


fall off while trying

Because if you weren't in my life any more

I'd kill myself in the most painful way to go through the same pain you felt

I still love you

Even if you don't take me back for the bullshit stunt he pulled earlier

My feelings for you will never change

My unjustly damaged and broken winged angel


Who's who?

MithzanxRoss Oneshots {{Completed}}Where stories live. Discover now