Why cant he see?

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Astrid's pov
Ugh! I have been trying to get Hiccup's attention for 2 years already. I keep giving him hints that I like or might actually, LOVE him but NOOO he just had to be together with Merida again when they JUST broke up!!

(Sigh) Why does life have to be so cruel can't he see. See that I like him.

H: Hey Astrid!
A: agh!! DONT scare me like that you almost gave a heart attack!!
H: we wouldn't want that now wouldn't we?
A: Sure if I don't make suicide
H: Haha very funny
A: No joke I'm actually thinking about that
H: (opens mouth to speak but got cut off)
A: Do not lecture me and beg me for me not to do it I just said I was thinking about it not actually gonna DO it
H: WOW!! You literally just read my mind
A: *giggles*
H: you sound cute when you giggle
A: *blushes* You shouldn't be saying things like that what if Merida found out!
H: Heh well we actually broke up and I think it's permanent this time
A: oh sorry
H: Nah it's ok I found her cheating anyway, well gotta go Dad would want me back by now, BYE!

Eeeeeeeek I think he just flirted with me, but I actually doubt that he likes me back. If I could tell him that I love him then I would know if he does back. Just (sigh)...

Why can't he see?

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