Let Me Go

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Hiccup was sitting in a hospital chair in the hospital bedroom. Looking at his ex, she was a girl with red fiery, laying asleep, with cords connected to her.

He takes off his fake glasses and rubs his eyes. He just found out today that Merida had cancer.

He hears a door open behind him, he looks back to find Merida's mother. She motions him to follow her, before he stands up he takes a glance at Merida before he exits the room.

When he leaves the room a girl with blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes and glasses, enters the room with a guy with three lines for a beard, with two extra small lines.

Astrid stares at Merida with saddened looks in her eyes, she didn't know Merida had cancer either.

She looks back at Eret, with a questioned look on her face.

Eret looks at Astrid and said,"Gastric Cancer. Stage three."

Astrid looks back at Merida with a sad look, and walks up to her slowly.

"She had an attack a few days ago. She didn't want the treatment. Her mom got scared so she called Hiccup." Eret said again, looking at Merida, then back at Astrid with a sad look.

"Hiccup didn't know?" Astrid asked looking back at Eret.

"She never told him." Eret answered back at her.

Astrid looked back at Merida while Eret said,"She didn't want him to know."

"That's why she broke up with him." Astrid said realizing.

"She was afraid Hiccup might not able to take it if she passes away. She wanted Hiccup to move on before she passes. She loved him so much. She just endured the pain of seeing him with you. She said, at least Hiccup will be happy again." Eret says looking back at Merida.

"But, you're together, right?" Asked Astrid.

Eret answered back.

"I courted her, but she loved him even when we were together."

"Where's Hiccup?" Astrid inhaled, looking back at Eret.

That's when Merida woke up. She looked up at Astrid and said,"Astrid?"

Astrid looked back at Merida, when she heard her voice.

~Back with Hiccup

He was in the church beside the hospital Merida was in.

"Hiccup the doctor said she refused to undergo surgery. That's it. We can just wait for her to..." Merida's mother said beside the thinking Hiccup.

~Back with Astrid.

Merida put her hand on Astrid's hand that laid on the bed.

"Astrid, I'm sorry. I didn't know my mom would contact Hiccup. I'm sorry. I have no intension of bothering you. I'm sorry, Astrid. He wasn't supposed to know."

~Back with Hiccup

"I know you belong to someone else now. And I have no right to ask this of you. But I read somewhere, if a patient is kept happy he or she may live longer. She can become stronger. She can find a reason to live. Hiccup... Hiccup, my daughter is too young to die. I am in no position..." By now Hiccup stopped thinking and looked down at his fumbling fingers. While Merida's mother cried.

~Back with Astrid

"...To ask this of you, Astrid. Just please take care of him. I know I hurt him..." Merida said crying, with Astrid. "But I loved him. I still love him."

~Back with Hiccup

"Only you can make her happy. So... so, if you still have any love for her... even just a little... as a mother I beg you. Please... help me keep her alive." Merida's mother cried. "Please. Please Hiccup, stay with her. Please give her another reason to live. Hiccup you're my only hope."

~Back with Astrid

"Take care of him, ok? Astrid... I can't take it anymore." Merida, cried and Astrid cried along with her, and walked out of the room, and put her forehead on the wall, and cried so hard. Eret, went outside to Astrid.

When Hiccup walked back to Merida's room he found Astrid crying outside. When Astrid looked toward Hiccup's direction and saw him, they locked eyes for a few minutes, then she ran out. Eret followed right behind her since he was her ride.

Hiccup ran out to Astrid right behind her. They were outside, they were both crying.

When Hiccup reached Astrid, he put his arms around Astrid's waist from behind her, Astrid put her hands on his and they cried together.

"Astrid, no. No. You're the one I love." Hiccup cried hard on her shoulder.

"She's waiting for you." Astrid said back.

"Don't you love me anymore...?" Hiccup said as he cried, so hard, after thinking that she doesn't love him anymore. Astrid, hesitantly let go of him and faced him.

"My God... I love you so much. Very very very much. But she needs you more." Astrid said crying not the same amount as Hiccup but close.

Hiccup shook his head and rubbed his eyes saying, "I don't understand. I don't get it." He stopped rubbing his eyes to look at Astrid, only to cry even more. "Promise that--"

Astrid shook her head cutting him off, shushing him.

"To wish for an us, is to wish to an end for Merida." Astrid said, as she cried a little less than before.

"I love you..." Hiccup said crying so hard that you could see a whole bunch of tear streaks on Hiccup.

Astrid cried again, this time the same amount as Hiccup.

"I love you too." Astrid said back. "Thank you for the two months, two weeks, three days, ten hours, fifty-seven minutes of love that I will cherish for the rest of my life." Astrid hugged Hiccup after saying that. Gosh, Hiccup was crying so hard it could've made a puddle if it all reached the ground.

Astrid let go of Hiccup, but he refused to let go of her. So, she put her hands on Hiccup to feel that spark again, and made him let go of her. Then she turned away not looking back and walked off. Hiccup watched her walk off without looking back, which only made him cry harder.

Eret followed her to give her a ride back to her house.

After she had gone, Hiccup fell to his knees and cried, he poured is heart out through his tears.

But, what Hiccup didn't know that Astrid was sick too, she didn't tell him, but she had a weak heart. But, she let go of him anyway. She sacrificed he love to Hiccup, to save Merida.

But, that was all 20 years ago... and Hiccup still didn't let go of her love, even when he got married to Merida and had a son, named Hayden. He never let go of her love.

All rights reserved to the people who had the idea for the movie "She's dating the Gangster."

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