Till... Death do us part

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Hiccups pov

Drago is in front of me. After all these years, he survived?

"Your trapped, oh famous dragon master. What are you going to do?" He said.

I didn't reply. Everybody is watching, I really really want to kill him.

But, I can't, guilt will always take over me

"All right. Since your going to do nothing... any last words." He asked.

I opened my mouth to talk, but words couldn't come out. I just stand here with anger building up in me.

Oh, HICCUP!!! Just kill the guy already!! My conscious says.

No! I won't!

So what if you get guilty, at least you'll save everybody here, ESPECIALLY... Astrid.

I guess your right but, why would I kill somebody. I have never killed somebody in my entire life!!

Pfft! Some hero you are.

Just, SHUT UP will you?!

"No words? Alright." He said.

He took out his staff, and commanded one of the dragons to kill me.

I close my eyes, to wait for the final blow... but I don't feel it.

Astrid's pov

I look over to see Drago commanding one of his dragons to kill him.

My eyes widen. I run as fast as I can.

I fall as I feel the blow.

I feel somebody sit next to me. Then, I heard yelling.

I feel a teardrop fall on my face. At that instant, I open my eyes as wide as I can open them.

"Hiccup..." I say.

"Yes, Astrid?" Hiccup said full of tears.

"I--If I don't make it... p--pl-please l--li-live a happy li-life..." I say. I pull him down to me, so I can kiss him one last time.

Then all it is black.

After that, I see a light.

Hiccups pov

I keep crying as Astrid dies in my arms, as we kissed. I let go, and cry helplessly in her chest.

I stay in my position, while the village prepares a ship for Astrid.

I kissed her again, hoping she would revive and kiss back. But, she doesn't.

I keep crying till it's time for Astrid's funeral.

"Astrid Hofferson. She was a lovely, brave, talented, skilled Viking. She was a warrior, a mother, a wife, and a friend. It's just too sad to think, little twin Aurora and Hayden won't grow up without a mother. We will all miss her dearly." Gobber says.

I light an arrow with fire and shoot it to the ship. After me, then it was my mom and the rest of the gang.

"I love you, Astrid! Please!! Remember that in Valhalla!" I yell crying.

I turn around to go my house, and most importantly, my children.

I just still can't believe these words were going to be soon. Those words are...

Till........................ Death do us part

I'm evil I know!!! I can't believe that I did that!!!

Sorry!! I just thought that because I always do a one shot with a happy ending, I decided not to do that in this one shot.

Seriously, I cried through this whole process.

Well, anyways...



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