New York

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A/N- this gonna be a modern AU. Please read this one shot, and comment if you want a part 2. And if you do. In the next part, you can ask again for another part.

<~Astrid's point

I'm currently at a wedding.

If your thinking that it's my wedding, sadly it's not. It's my best friends wedding, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. My full time crush.

I was his wing woman, to get the girl that's standing next to him. Merida Dunbroch.

When it came to the objections, I wanted to sooooo badly. But, I didn't.

So, it came to the I do's. I looked at the time. It was time for my meeting. I half own a company.

I stood up and walked to the door of the church. I looked back. I heard Merida say I do. Then it came to Hiccup, he looked at me. I nodded a yes, before leaving.

I went to my car and drove to the company.

<~Hiccup's point

I saw Astrid leaving. She looked back before she went out. I looked at her.

She nodded a yes to me. Then out the door she went.

"I do." Merida says.

"Do you Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Take Merida Scott DunBroch, as your lovely wedded wife?"

"I..." I started.

But, I thought of Astrid. This is wrong. The person who I want now, to be standing here with me... is Astrid.

"I don't." I say.

The guests and along with the priest gasped. Most likely the girl says I don't. There's not much guys that says I don't, at a wedding.

I run out the church. To try to find Astrid. No. I didn't find her.

I found my car took the keys, and drove to my house to get changed out of this suit.

<~Astrid's point

I was done with my meeting. So now I'm at my office.

"Ma'am..." my secretary said.

I looked up.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

"The boss said your transferring elsewhere." She said.

"Where? And when?"

"Um... Big Apple, New York, Ma'am. And your, flight is today at five o' clock."

Exactly an hour from now. Well, I'm lucky that I pack 4 luggages, in case for something like this.

"Ok. Tell him, I'm gonna be leaving now so I can go. It's a 10 minute drive to my house from here. And a 40 minute drive from there to the airport. Ok."

"Yes Ma'am." She said then left me.

I went to the parking lot and got into my car. I drove home got all my stuff.

The taxi was here when I got done.

The taxi drove me to the airport.

I made my way to my reserved private jet.

Time Skip

Here I am. The Big Apple.

I made my way to a hotel.

"Hello! My name is Tony. How long are you staying here?" He asked.

"Forever." I said.

"Ok. That would be 10,000 dollars every 2 years. Penthouse or Sweet?"

"A penthouse please."

"Ok. Would you like a butler or a maid?"

"Both please. And do you have any in my age? I'm 20."

"Your lucky. We have three more. Do you just want the 2?"

"I'll take all three of them if that's alright?"

"It's alright. Here is your room number." He said as he gave me a piece of paper.

"Room service will take your bags up."

"Ok. Thank you very much."

"Your welcome."

I made my way to the elevator. I looked at the paper. 30.

I pressed 30 and up it went. When the doors opened. I found the penthouse.

Cool an Elevator that takes me up to my penthouse.

Time Skip

I was watching tv, when I heard a noise of the elevator. Must be the butler and maid.

I saw 2 boys the butlers, 1 girl the maid.

To be honost. I only wanted them for company while I'm up here.

"Hi! I'm Astrid! Nice to meet you."

They all smile at me.


The girl stepped up.

"Hi! I'm Elsa. This is Jack. And this is Eric." She said pointing to them.

"So, what would you like us to do first?" Elsa asked.

"Nothing. I actually lied. I don't need any maids or butlers. I can clean on my own. I just want company here."

"Good! Cause I'm NOT good at cleaning that much." Jack said.

"Then why do you have a job of a butler?" I asked confused.

"Nah. My uncle put me here." He said.


We talked and we got to know each other. They even now what happened to me today (aka the wedding).

My phone rang.



Astrid! Where are you? I need to tell you something.

Why can't you tell me through the phone?

I need to talk to you in person! So where are you.

No need for you to know. You better get back to your wife, before she thinks your having second thoughts and thinks your cheating on her.

Thats what I want to talk to you about I-

I know I know. Your happy. You love her, I get it. I need to go bye Hiccup.


I heard him say before I pressed end call.

<~Hiccup's point

"Bye." I mumbled when she hanged up on me.

I went up to bed and close my eyes. Thinking of Astrid. What we'll be like if we were getting married, having kids, growing old, etc.

I smiled at that thought.

"I love you, Astrid." I said, as I drift to sleep.

The last thing I hear. I love you, Hiccup.

<~Astrid's point

The guys know who I was talking to. And that I was just making exudes so I wouldn't have to talk and hear about it.

Their so understanding.

I love you, Astrid.

I heard the wind say. What?

"I love you too, Hiccup." I mumbled.

But it's too late now. I'm in...

New York

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now