Bath Time

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Dedicated to _AstridHofferson_

Hiccup's POV

We're on Ryker's ship. He was trying to take me out right now, so I was pretty busy trying to get away.

"Come on gang! Let's go!" I said.

I didn't even notice Ryker trying to shoot an arrow at me, Toothless then went upside down. The arrow missed me, only to hit Toothless's armour.

Unfortunately, I wasn't holding on, because I wasn't prepared, so I plumaged into the ocean.

The current was too strong, and I couldn't get above water.

I blacked out...

Astrid's POV

"HICCUP!!!" I yelled as I saw him plumage into the ocean.

"Let's go girl!" I said, Stormfly then, picked up Toothless while I got Hiccup.

When I got Hiccup I put him on my lap.

"Hiccup? Hiccup!" He didn't wake up. I put my head up to his chest.

"Astrid is he okay?" I heard Fishlegs, and saw everybody's concerned faces.

I heard a beating sound.

"He's alright." I sighed, and so did everybody else.

We all flew back to The Edge.

When we got there, everybody went to their houses, because they were all tired.

I put Hiccup back in his house and laid him down, Toothless laid beside him, on the floor.

I noticed Hiccup was dirty. I sighed, I guess I'm gonna have to give him a bath.

Ugh... we aren't even dating!

Well, do you have to be dating to give someone of the opposite gender to give him a bath?

Oh, who cares.

I took all of Hiccup's armour, and took off his shirt. I got a bowl full of water and a rag.

I put the rag in the water and started to scrub Hiccup's upper body

I started to blush, knowing I have to scrub his Lower body.

As she finished, she hesitated to take off his pants. But, did I anyway.

I scrubbed him until he was dirt free. I was blushing the whole time I was doing this.

I went to his chest where all his extra clothes are. Took one out, and dressed Hiccup back up. But, I didn't put a shirt on him though, so he would be more comfortable.

While I was using the rest of the water to wash my hands, I heard Hiccup stir awake a little. I go back to sitting on the side of the bed. I moved his hair out of his face, he started to groan.

"Shhhhh... it's ok Hiccup, you're ok." I said, moving the hair away, that was covering his handsome face.

"Astrid?" Hiccup asked, halfway opening his eyes, with a groggily voice.

"Yea, Hiccup?" I asked.

"Can- can you lay beside me?" He asked, I blushed a little. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out I gave him a bath.

"Sure, Hiccup." I said whispering a bit. I laid down beside him, while he put his arms around me.


"Yea, Hiccup?"

"I know that you washed me..." My jaw dropped.

"How?" I asked a little confused.

He chuckled a bit before answering back.

"I might've been out, but I could still kinda feel what you were doing."

I just blushed, and I hid my face in his. I felt his hand take my head to look at him. He was now fully awake.

"Don't hide that gorgeous face from me." I blushed again, but even harder. Gosh, I might be a tomato right now.

Hiccup just stared at me smiling. I smiled back at him, looking into his gorgeous emerald green eyes. He was leaning in, and so was I. For the first time in history. Hiccup was the one who closed the gap between us.

Of course, I kissed back.

"Wow. Either Hiccup is awake, or Astrid is being needy. Because I can tell you right now that was very disgusting to see." We pulled apart after hearing, 'wow'.

We saw everybody there, Heather, Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, and Snotlout.

I blushed hard, and at the corner of my eye, I saw Hiccup blushing too.

"So, Astrid...?" I heard Hiccup ask.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled, and I nodded, yes.

Hiccup smiled even more. He leaned up to me again, and kissed me again.

Best day of my life!

And it's all because of...


ath Time...

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now