Secret Admirer

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It's Valentines day today. Oh how I love all the love in the air, note the sarcasm. I'm actually acting like this because, my boyfriend moved 3 yrs ago...
on Valentines day! It's not because of me, it's just his father and mother got a new job elsewhere. His name is Hiccup. Funny name I know... it's horrible.

Well, I may hate Valentines day but, I still need to go to school.

I got on my motorcycle and drove to school.

Time Skip

I arrived at school and now I'm at my locker. I opened it and a heart shaped box with a bouquet of Astrid's and Blue Anome's. They're my favorite flowers.

There was a card with the bouquet too. It said...

Dear, Astrid

          I will love you till the of time
      These flowers are a sign of my love
    You are my lover you are my dove
  And when the last flower dies
Please believe me I'm not full of lies
  You'll find me on your doorstep
    And I'll be with you till the end of
                         ~Secret Admirer~

I look around to see if there was any sign of who my secret admirer is, but, I don't see anything. I guess I'll have to wait.

Time Skip

It's been a week, and all the flowers have died except for 2 flowers, 1 Astrid and 1 Blue Anome.

I look closer at the 2 flowers...
Their plastic!

There was a knock on the door. Huh, I wonder who that could be?

I opened the door and found...
"Hiccup!" I yelped

I jumped on him and gave him a giant hug.

"I missed you, M'lady." He said.

"I missed you too, Babe."

We pulled away and, kissed passionately. I've missed his kisses, and now I've got it again.

I'm glad it was him I wouldn't have had it any other way. He is my lover, my boyfriend, my heart, my life, my...

Secret Admirer


Yay! I finally updated this one shot, yay! Woo! I'm glad I had an idea for this. Well I better get going otherwise I might get a beating from Dagger. I'm on Outcast Island right now in a cell so I better escape now and get Twilight too! Bye my little Night Fury's!


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