One moment

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"Come on, Come on... PICK UP!!" Hiccup said getting irritated.

Hiccup has been trying to call Merida for the last 50 minutes.

"Hiccup, face it! She's t gonna pick up! It's been 50 minutes, do you still think she'll pick up?" Astrid said, getting annoyed because, she invited Hiccup over to her house, since he is her best friend. She hasn't spent anytime with him at all, ever since Hiccup and Merida started dating.

"I need to get my stuff, and it's in the car. We always have that stuff whenever we hang out! This hang out should be no different. I just want this hang out to be great, because I feel guilty not hanging out with you ever since Merida and I started dating." Hiccup said explaining to Astrid.

Astrid made a straight face, but in her mind, she was thinking of how sweet Hiccup was.

"Well, right now, the hang out isn't going great, because you have been calling Merida for the last 50 minutes you've been here. Come on! Let's go out to the pool or something? Or we could go upstairs watch a movie on my TV in my room?" Astrid said, taking Hiccup's phone and placing it down.

"Fine! Come on, let's go watch a movie! Race ya!" Hiccup said running up the stairs.

"Hey! That's cheating!! No fair!!" Astrid said running after him.

There are a lot of times when Hiccup and Astrid's childish side comes out.

They were up in Astrid's room, finding a movie.

"Ooh! How about Trolls? Ir Sing?" Suggested Astrid.

"Nah, how about Rise of the Guardians, or How To Train Your Dragon?" Hiccup said, holding up the movies.

Astrid snatched the movie How To Train Your Dragon and, placed the Cd, in the player, and pulled Hiccup on her bed, to watch the movie.

"Wow, you really like this movie don't you?" Hiccup said chuckling a bit.

"Like it? I LOVE it!! This is my all time favorite movie,m from DreamWorks!!! Come on, let's watch it!" Astrid said while putting the movie in the player, then dragging Hiccup to her bed.

~Time Skip~

Astrid had just fallen asleep on Hiccup's shoulder, while Hiccup is slowly dozing off.

Finally, Hiccup dropped his head on Astrid's while having an arms around her, and one of Astrid's hand on his back while the other was on his chest, in a hugging manner.

~Next Morning~

Astrid woke up feeling a sharp pain on her cheek.

She woke up, put her hand to her cheek, and saw Merida standing there fuming with anger.

The irises of her eyes were red, fuming with anger. Her face face was burning a crimson color all over. You could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears and eyes.

She look to her side to see Hiccup still sleeping there soundly, and his arm around her waste.

She looked back at Merida, getting angry.

"What was that for?!?" Astrid had yelled at her, but not loud enough for Hiccup to wake up.

"That was for sleeping beside MY boyfriend!!!" Merida said yelling at the same tone as Astrid.

"So what?!? He's MY BEST FRIEND!!!" Astrid said, standing up. She could feel her face burning with anger. "What's your problem anyway?!?"

"Oh, my problem?! My problem is you, sleeping next to my boyfriend, without both of you telling me first!"

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now