New York {part 2}

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A/N- This was asked by Samsonite1131.

<~Astrid's pov

"Hey, you ok." Elsa asked while putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No. Hiccup, he even forgot what today was." I said crying into my hands.

"Well, what today?" Both Eric and Jack asked.

"My Birthday." I said, looking up, with tears.

They're eyes widen.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Astrid." Elsa said hugging me.

<~Hiccup's pov

Oh GODS! I forgot to tell her something! Ah! What is wrong with me!

I try calling her. She didn't answer. I tried again, no answer again.

I keep trying to call for about an hour now. The last one I try to call, I put a voice message.

"Hey, Astrid. Im sorry, you might hate me for forgetting, but still. Happy Birthday, Astrid. I love you." I said.

I cry for a few hours on my bed until I drift slowly to sleep.

1 year later...

<~Astrid's pov

I heard my alarm clock buzz. I then i off.

I went downstairs to be greeted with Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes, and my favorite kind of smoothie!

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASTRID!" Elsa, Jack, Eric yelled.

"Awwwww, thanks you guys." I said hugging them.

So let me write down what happened the past year. My half owned company, is expanding popularity, Jack and Elsa see now dating (sorry to all the Jackunzel, and Jackianna, shippers out there), Eric is dating a girl named Ariel. So, that's about it.

After breakfast. I play with my phone. I get a phone call.



Ma'am, the boss has told me, you need to come back here for a little visit. He said he needs your help. In person.

*Sigh* Um... ok tell him I'm going... but, I'm bringing along some friends with me.

Of course, Ma'am. Oh and, Happy Birthday

Thank you, Aurora

*end call*

I guess I have to go back to Berk. What a WONDERFUL birthday gift. Note my sarcasm.

"Guys. I have to go back to Berk." I said to them.

"Why?" They asked.

"I don't know. But, the best part is... you guys get to come with me!"

They all start to jump around happy.

Time Skip
In Berk...

We're finally in Berk. I guess I'll play on my phone, since it's a long ride to my house from the airport. Elsa, is reading a book. Jack is listening to music. And Eric is... I have no idea what he's doing, dancing maybe?

I look on my phone. I tried to press the flappy bird game, but instead. I pressed the phone.

When I was about to go back, I found a voice mail that was from a year ago.

I pressed it and heard a familiar voice saying something. It said,

Hey Astrid. You might hate me for forgetting, but still. Happy Birthday, Astrid. I love you.

That was Hiccup's voice. But, why would he say I low you? He's already married. So why?

I'll just ignore it right now.

Time Skip

Were here in my house. I'm so glad that I don't have any Jet lag, so the guys and I could go to the Berk Mall.

"Hey guys do you want to go to the Mall?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd love to go to the Mall."



We all they're comments.

We jumped in the car and headed of to the Mall.

At the Mall...

"This is so awesome!" Elsa said as she looked around the Mall.

"Yeah I know. It's been a long time since I've been in these parts." I said.

<~Hiccup's pov

It's been a whole year without Astrid.

I think I'm about to lose it! Well, I think I already lost it when I started drinking.

I'm going to the Mall. I need to find something.

At the Mall...

"...been a long time since I've been in these parts." A familiar voice said.

Then I bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you." I said. They might think I'm a drinker because they were close to my mouth and, you could probably smell the alcohol.

"It's ok, and sorry for asking but, are you a drinke-" she said, before looking up at me. I saw that familiar face once, didn't I?

"Astrid?" I said.

"Hiccup." She said.

"I'm sorry I should go." She said again.

"No! Wait, Astrid. Please I need to tell you something." I said with a desperate voice.

"Happy Birthday? Cause if that's what your gonna say, then I should leave."

"It's not only that, and yes I wanted to tell you Happy Birthday. But, I need to tell you something else."

"Fine! What is it."

"I love you." I said directly without hesitation.

"I love you? Won't your wife be mad if she heard you say that to me?" She said with an angry tone.

Right! I didn't tell her.

"But, I didn't get married Astrid. I rejected the second I found out that I loved you! Not whatever, her name was." I said. It's actually true. 1 year and I forgot the girl that I almost married, name was.

"You mean Merida?" She said.

"I don't really care about her. I just love you!"

"I love you too." She said looking away. I can see tears threatening to come out of her eyes.

I hugged her without hesitation.

"Its ok Astrid. I'm right here, you can let it out." I said.

I then felt warm tears in my shirt.

I pulled out from the hug, and kissed her. I kissed her, like there was no tomorrow.

5 years and 3 months later...

"I may now pronounce you, Husband and Wife." The priest said.

<~Astrid's pov

Ok so let me rewind what happened the past 5 years. Elsa, Jack, Eric and I stayed here in Berk.

Jack and Elsa got married and had twins Ellie and Jack jr.

Ariel, Eric's girlfriend, moved here. Their engaged, just got Engaged a week ago.

Now Hiccup and I, well got married. So this was how our love story goes.

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