Bad Boy Gone Good (PART ONE)

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Modern AU

Astrid was walking through the halls of her new school. She had just transferred from Viking High, to Disney Dreamworks High. She was looking around trying to attempt to look for the principal's office herself.

"Hi!" Astrid jumped from the sudden voice coming from behind her.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Anna, this is my older sister Elsa, and our Rapunzel, though we just call her Punzie for short." Anna, a girl with strawberry-blonde hair, had said.

"Oh, it's ok. No harm done." Astrid said smiling.

"Anyway, are you new here? You don't really look familiar around here."

"Haha, yes, actually I am. I'm also looking for the Principals office. Can you direct me to where it is?"

"Of course! It's right down the hall and the first door on the left." Elsa said pointing which way to go.

Astrid followed to where she pointed, and told both of them thanks, before leaving.

When she arrived in the front of the door, she heard yelling.

"Why won't you ever behave?!" She heard a female's booming voices.

"Because I see no reason TO behave!" She heard a male voice this time.

She had a lump in her throat, so instead of saying excuse me and going in, she just knocked.

The voices had stopped.

She then heard someone walking toward the door. The person opened it, and it was a guy with auburn hair, with the most emerald green eyes. Much to her surprise he was fit but not too fit to be bug and buff, but to her liking.

"Is the principal here?" She asked him.

He nodded and stepped aside to let her in.

She saw a woman with long hair and had it braided down her back. Her name sign (A/N: I forgot what it was called) said, "Mrs. Haddock"

"Umm, hello. I'm new here, I came here for my schedule." Astrid said, a little tense because of the guy behind her. She could feel him burning holes through her back.

"Ah, yes. Astrid Hofferson, I presume. Yes, here you go." Mrs. Haddock gave a her a piece of paper with her schedule on it. She thanked her and just about when she opened the door.

"Miss Hofferson, I would like for you to be shown around the school before heading to class. I will tell the teacher to excuse your absence for this afternoon." Astrid had turned around when she heard Mrs. Haddock's voice speak once again.

"Hiccup, will you kindly show Astrid around the school?" Mrs. Haddock asked the boy with the auburn hair.

He rolled his eyes, and gestured for Astrid to follow him.

He showed everything to her, and only spoke when they arrived somewhere in the school. He showed all the floors, the library, gym, football/soccer field, the softball field, and the baseball field, and the cafeteria. Once they were done, Astrid had asked Hiccup a question.

"Uh, can you lead me to my first class?" She asked him. Hiccup didn't really show much of the classes. He just showed the big parts of the school.

He gestured to give him her schedule. Astrid handed him the paper and Hiccup skimmed over it.

He sighed, as his mom, the principal, had given Astrid the same schedule as his.

"Yea. Just follow me, Mr. Wessel's class is this way. Just follow me for the rest of the day. You have to same schedule as me." Hiccup said walking beside Astrid.


When they got to Mr. Wessel's chemistry class, he saw Hiccup, and kept his face straight, and when he saw Astrid he had a warm smile.

"Welcome to Disney Dreamworks High."

Astrid and Hiccup sat in the last booth table available to sit at.

"Ok so we're working on a project. Mister Haddock, Miss Hofferson you will have to work together, because you are the only 2 left without a partner." Hiccup just kept a straight face and yawned.

After Mr. Wessel explained the project of human chemistry, which they have to learn a out each other's partners, Hiccup asked bored out of his mind.

"Your house or mine?"

"Mine. Also, actually work on the project." Astrid said, she figured he was the typical bad boy in the school. I mean she wasn't wrong, but she wasn't sure since he hasn't seen him done anything wrong.

Although the way he was dressed spoke loudly for her.
(A/N: I'm too lazy to make a description 😂)

"Yea whatever. I always do the project. I actually want to graduate to get OUT of this hellhole." Hiccup said looking in front of him.

Astrid rolled her eyes at him, and continued to write down notes.

~Time skip because the Author is a lazy bum~

Astrid and Hiccup were working at on the project at her house.

Well... they were kinda working on it. Astrid was typing something down, and Hiccup was playing with a small rubber ball he had it his pocket that he likes to play with.

Astrid had enough and said, "Let's work on the project now."

"Can't we just work on it sometime later, he said the project was due next week." Hiccup said as he continuously threw the small ball up in the air and caught it, and threw it back up.

"Then what's the point of you being here?" Astrid said rolling her eyes at the boy.

Hiccup stopped for a second and looked at Astrid's eyes for a while. He gulped at the beauty but hid it.

He blinked and said, "No idea." He then continued to throw the ball.

Astrid groaned.

This project is gonna take longer than she thought.

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