The Trio

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A/N-Don't get mad at me, a friend requested it, I didn't have any ideas, so, I'm just gonna write what she requested.


I heard a loud noises, screams, and cries from outside

I jumped out from bed leaving Astrid's side on the bed. I put my armour on, and ran outside. There, I found three my worst enemy of all time.

Virgo, Ryker, and Drago Bludvist.

Oh, gosh. Please no, no, no, please don't be allies!

"Hello, oh famous dragon master. As you can see... we became allies. To destroy you." Drago said, chuckling.

"No. Oh, no, no, no! Uh- this-this can't be happening." I said.

"Oh, Hiccup, we forgot to show you..." Ryker, said smiling stepping aside, to show a bloody and tied up Astrid.

"No, Astrid!" I step forward but, Ryker put a sword to her neck and said," No, no Hiccup. I wouldn't do that if you want her head sliced off."

I stopped and stayed still in my position.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Only... Berk. Is all we want." Virgo said, sharpening a dagger.

"Never! I will never let you have Berk!" I said getting ready.

"Well, then... I guess it's Astrid's head instead." Ryker said, as he was about to strike the sword.

"Stop!" I yelled, and the trio looked at me.

"I'll let you have Berk, but, you have to let all of us go, and let our dragons come with us." I said quickly.

"Alrighty then." Virgo said.

Drago cut the rope around Astrid but, before she ran off Drago grabbed her hair and whispered something in her ear. I could kinda hear what it was.

"Your getting lucky but, this isn't the end." I heard him. After he whispered to Astrid she ran up to me.

I dropped my inferno and ran to her and gave her a hug, she hugged back really tight.

"It's ok. It's ok, now." I said, caressing her hair.

She was crying in my chest, but she still nodded.

I saw the trio turn away, but turned back to me.

"Oh, we also forgot to tell you. We want something else." Drago said.

"What!" I said getting angry.
How much do these guys want! I thought.

"We want... you dead." My eyes widen as Ryker said that.

Two guard from Drago's crew grabbed me and another guard kept Astrid firm. She was struggling, to get free.

"NO! HICCUP!" She cried out.

I tried to get out of their grip, but they were just so strong, plus I felt weak thinking of what's going to happen.

Drago, drew a sword, and stabbed me.

"NO!!!" I heard someone yell before I blacked out.

Astrid's pov

"NO!!!" I yelled.

The guard let go, and when I saw Hiccup on the ground I ran up to him and cried.

"Please, Thor, no..." I said, hugging Hiccup tightly.

Hiccup opened his eyes a little, I smiled a bit.

"A-Astrid..." He said.

"Yes?" I said still crying.

"I-I love y-you..." He said, as he closed his eyes.

"Hiccup. Hiccup? Hiccup!" I said shaking him.

I held him firm in my arms, as he died. I kept crying and everything and everyone just seemed to disappear.

I laid down beside Hiccup, as I closed my eyes, no longer feeling him breathing.

I lay my head on his chest and find no heartbeat. I just laid there remembering when he did have a heartbeat. I just start to cry even more.

The other villagers went away and prepared a boat for Hiccup.

I just laid there crying on his chest, and slowly started to black out.

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