The First 'Date'

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(A/N- if anyone can guess which this chapter goes to first, I will give a shout out to that person and dedicate the next one-shot to them. This is VERY easy once you think about it)

Hiccup's pov

Ok... so, I'm bored! I have Astrid's phone #, maybe I should call her!

No, now she's probably too busy to talk to me. Though she's probably not busy at all!


You know what the heck?!

I pick up my phone and dial her #.

When I press call, I hear 1 ring and then hear her voice. Wow, she's fast.

Hiccup's thoughts


Hey, hi Astrid. Hi Astrid. Hi Astrid. Hi Astrid.

Oh, hey Hiccup!

Gosh! I'm acting stupid!

Hey Astrid so... what are you doing?

Nothing. Just sitting on the couch... being bored.

Haha, funny... so am I!

WOW! I act WAY more stupider around her.

Haha... so what did you call me for?

Huh? Oh, yes. I was wondering... if you want to go hang out in Starbucks?

Sure! I would LOVE to!

Ok you want to meet up at 5?

Ok! See you then! Bye!

Bye! See you soon!

I put my phone down and looked up at my ceiling. I don't have anything to do do, since I don't really have to get ready for a cappuccino (A/N- is that how you spell it?:/).

~1 hr later~

Well time to go.

Once I got to Starbucks I went up to the counter to order a cappuccino.

"Hey. Um, I want to order a cappuccino." I asked the lady behind the counter.

Then I heard an angelic voice.

Astrid's pov

I walked in Starbucks, and see a familiar mop of auburn hair. Then I heard his sweet, sweet calming voice.

"Hey. Um, I want to order a cappuccino." I hear him say.

Then I say to the lady.

"Can you make that two please?" I say, as I see Hiccup turn around to face me.

He smiles. Oh his smile, his goofy crooked smile. That makes you see his blinding white teeth.

Ok, what's happening to me?

"Hey, Astrid!" I hear Hiccup say as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Hiccup!" I say as I smile.

As we stayed in Starbucks we were laughing and talking and taking pictures.

"Hey, Hiccup?" I asked.

"Yes, M'lady?" He said, after hearing him saying that I blushed, I hear him laugh an a snap. He took a picture.

"Umm... what is this? A first date?" I asked, shyly.

"Oh... hehe, Yea. I guess you could call this that." He said, as I saw him getting slightly red cheeks.

I smile, and took a picture of him.

"So, Astrid. After this, how about I take you on a real first date?" Hiccup asked.

"Yea! That'll be fun." I said as I smiled brightly.

We finished our conversations and then left.

Hmmm... I guess you could call this...

The First 'Date'

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now