Saw each other again

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A/N- YAY! Finally a one shot update! Ok, enough talk, on with the story! Btw, it's modern.


*Sigh* Nothing doesn't feel right. None of it!

I feel like there's something missing.

Oh, WAIT! There is!

Astrid Hofferson.

M'lady, my lover, my dream, my hope, my oxygen, my life, my EVERYTHING.

I miss her. I haven't seen her since we were 15, now we're 25!

*Sigh* She's probably married and having kids by now, forgetting me.

This is why I HATE goodbyes.

Never say goodbye, for goodbye, means going away, and going away, means FORGETTING.

Right now, I'm walking around my new home, Paradise City, with my siblings, yeah, I know.

I have siblings, they just got lost. Sophia, Hendrina, Scott, Emily, Bella, and Kari. Mostly, girls.

Anyway, I came here 1 week ago, and found out about this place 2 months ago.

So, I'm looking around.


*Growls* It's been 10 freaking years since I seen Hiccup.

My Man, my lover, my dream, my hope, my oxygen, my life, my EVERYTHING.

He probably already has a wife and kids, forgetting me.

Ha, he actually made a saying for me to remember, that's why it was so hard to let go of him.

Never say goodbye, for goodbye, means going away, and going away, means FORGETTING.

He probably married, *Scottish accent* Merida Dunbroch. UGH!

I hate her GUTS! If only I could get my hands on that little Scottish brat!! Then I will rip her apart.

*Sigh* The thought of them getting married and having kids breaks me apart.

It hurts everyday of the year whenever I think of that.

Well, I'm on my way to Paradise City, I heard they are the best place to live.

I just graduated college 2 months.

Time Skip

I just arrived at Paradise City with my Cousins, Ace, Ethan, Antonio, and Aurora.
Yeah, mostly guys.

I walk around to check out how this is gonna be like. So far, I'm knowing I'm gonna LOVE living here.

I keep walking until my phone buzzed. I looked to see a message saying,

Where'd u go? :0

I was gonna text back until I bumped into someone, to familiar to me...


I bumped into a girl with blonde hair I recognize too easily.



We both looked at each other and smiled.

"I missed you!" We both said at the same time.

I'm SO glad that we...


Saw each other again

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now