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Hiccup's POV

Astrid was smiling widely at me, bigger than ever before. She looked down and started to laugh, and then she threw her head back. I started to laugh with her, until we were on the ground laughing our heads off.

"ASTRID!" We heard her Mother call for her. We looked back at the door where she was standing with her arms crossed with the usual big grin her mother had.

She looked at me sadly, and I her, equally as sad.

"I'll see you tomorrow..." She said upset she had to leave so early.

"Ok" I told her with a half smile written on my face. She smiled back, and gave me a big hug. She yelled out 'bye', as she left. As I got up running towards my house across the road.

~10 years later~

Astrid and I are 19, and I'm about to turn 20 in a few more weeks. We were both trying to find a University to go to, since we planned on going to college together, since middle school.

When we finally found a University that we both liked, we applied for the school.

Needless to say, we both got in. Until the one day, I also got a full scholarship in an art school in France. I wanted to go so badly, but when I told Astrid, she only got mad.

She was about to head to the Uni because she was one of the early starters. I got mad at her, because she didn't want me to do what I wanted to do.

We had a huge argument. We kept arguing back and forth, until, I guess Astrid couldn't stand it anymore. She stormed out before we could settle our argument.

I wanted to go after her, but I couldn't bring myself to; and GODS how I regretted that I let her go... cause that was the last I seen of Astrid.

I gasped and breathed heavily. I was on my bed gripping the sheets, sweat dripping down my forehead.

4 years ago, soon after our argument, I heard a scream. A scream that belonged to Astrid. I ran outside, but she was no where to be seen. Police and the FBI tried everything they could to find her, but they couldn't find any trace of her. After months of searching, they finally gave up, and that's when I finally started to look for her on my own. Everybody tried to reason with me, but I didn't give up. To this day, I am still looking for her, and everyday that I couldn't find her and everyday that I couldn't feel her next to me was AGONIZING. If you were wondering about the scholarship in France, I turned it down to search for Astrid.

I felt a tear drop down from eye. A while later after her disappearance, I had realized my feelings for her. It was the worst timing ever, but as they say, 'You don't realize what you have until it's gone' and what's gone is Astrid. I would do anything just to get her back.

After my break down into tears, I felt tired and fell in a deep sleep, dreaming of what it would be like if Astrid was here with me again.

A few weeks later it was my 24th Birthday. Another Birthday without Astrid, and another day where I sat in my bed, doing nothing.

All my friends and relatives tried to call me today, but I ignored every single one of them, and that was hard considering how much they tried to call me.

The last straw was drawn when another ring from phone came on, and without looking at the ID caller I just answered the phone.

"WHAT?!" I yelled clearly annoyed.

"Hello? Hiccup?" A familiar and quiet voice came from the phone. A voice that I remember all too well.

"Astrid?" I asked clearly shocked.

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now