Back Again

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(A/N- its not another thing where Drago is back, no, I don't want to do that again. By the way, I'm not gonna do the last sentence in the story match the title in a while because I am running out of ideas that can involve that, oh and this chapter is gonna be short. Sorry)

Modern AU

Hiccup's POV

I have been gone from my hometown for 3 years. Now, I'm going back, you think I'm exited? No, I am NOT!!

But, I've changed, I look a lot more mature, and handsome as most people say.

But there is an upside

I'm gonna see Astrid again... I hope she remembers me. Cause the last I was there, I found out from her, that she's liked me since we first met, when we were 4.

Astrid's POV

Hiccup has been gone 3 years, and he will be back any day now... I'm exited, I can't wait to see him again.

A-Astrid F-Fishlegs S-Snotlout R-Ruff T-Tuff

S- Ha! Have you heard my fishbone cousin is coming back!

F- Yup! I am so exited, cause I can finally share my knowledge with someone!!

T- Cool ... knowledge. Wait! What's knowledge?

F- *facepalmed*

R- Well, whatever, so Astrid how exited are you to see your long time crush, and soon-to-be boyfriend?

A- Not funny Ruff.

R- What? Are you not exited to see him again?

A- I am, and I can't wait to see him! I really can't!!!

Ruff's POV

While Astrid was still talking, I saw someone creeping up behind her. I smiled.

R- Hey Astrid?

A- Yea?

R- Turn around

A- Why?

R- Just turn around!

She turned around and I heard someone say "boo" and I heard a scream.

Astrid's POV

When Ruff told me to turn around someone was in my face and when he said boo before I could take a look at the guy, I got scared and screamed.

When I saw that person smirking, I saw who it was.


I screamed then I hugged him causing him to stumble and fall so now I'm on top of him, then I just kissed him.


So, guys, I just wanted to ask you if I should delete those A/N's claiming that maybe I should stop the book.

Anyway, other than that. I haven't been doing these A/N's after the end of a story recently, and plus I also wanted say something.

I just published a new book and for those of you who didn't read it, you can, of course.

And you can also be a part of the book too, just say that you wanna be in it and you'll be in it. Tell me what your wearing your features, and all that mumbo jumbo. But, you can also say, of you wanna be my friend in this book or my family, like as in a relative.

So, I'm done talking.


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