Not Anymore part 2

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Hiccup's pov
UGH!! Right now I'm here crying my eyes out on my bed, and do you know how many days it's been since she broke up with me, 6!! 6 days since she broke up with me and last SPOKE to anyone. I'm not going to school again tomorrow I'll just call in sick.

Astrid's pov
Now I realized that I truly love Hiccup now but he won't let anybody in his house nor his room, he hasn't been in school for the last 6 days, and he hasn't talked to anyone since then, and it's all my fault!!

Time Skip

I didn't go to school and I'm bored, I already put my pain into a song. (Song at media)

(Start the Song)
(Eh to lazy to right the lyrics)

(Sighs) I wish I could do something to actually fix it...

Ooh I got it!

Time Skip

I wrote Hiccup a note and tied it to a rock and threw it on his balcony. I hid in a bush to make sure that he gets the note.

When he finally comes out I saw him his eyes red and puffy, pale than he was already, VERY skinny than he usually was, and his hair was all over the place. Now I feel even more GUILTY!! He finally found the rock with the note on it. He took the note off and read it. After he read it his eyes widen, he looks around to probably find me, but when he doesn't see me, he went back inside.

Hiccup's pov
I heard something hit my balcony window. I went outside to find out what it is, I then found a note tied to a rock. I pick it up and read it...

Dear, Hiccup
I know you probably might hate me right now, I finally realized something because you weren't by my side. I know it's a long shot but if you still love me then meet me at the cove. At 5 tonight.

Love and Care,

After I read that my eyes widen. 5 o' clock is and hour from now so better get ready.

I took a shower, got dressed, TRIED to fix my hair but didn't work.

Time Skip

I went to the cove and found Astrid sleeping on a rock. Guess she was here for a long time.

H: Astrid?
A: Hmm... Hiccup? HICCUP!!

She ran towards me and gave me a giant bear hug.

H: what do want me here for Astrid
A: I came to say something

After she said that she got a guitar and sang a song...

(Start Song)
(Not writing lyrics)

After the song she put down her guitar and I came up to her looked at her. She looked like she was nervous. I then just crashed my lips onto hers. It merely took a second for her to kiss back.

After what seemed like forever (but actually 30 mins) we pulled away.

A: I Love you

She said while having tears in her eyes. I wiped them off and said...

H: I Love you too

I then kissed her.

Astrid's pov
Thank goodness he forgives me otherwise I would go attempt suicide.
I guess I stopped, stopped loving him. Not anymore I stopped loving him...

Not Anymore

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now