Blind part 2

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Hiccup's pov
Argh!!! I can't believe I didn't listen to Astrid now she had to pay for why I've done to HER!!!! She didn't deserve it, I did.
H: Astrid?! Astid!!! Astrid!!!

After a few hours of trying to find her near Raven's Point I needed to take a break, I took of to the cove and landed there, and I found the MOST horrible sight that I've EVER seen...

Astrid... with her head on a rock... bleeding.

I began to panic like crazy.

H: Oh Thor!! Oh Thor!!! Oh Thor!!!

I went over to Astrid and tried to listen for a heart beat...


I picked her up put her on Toothless and flew over to Gothi's hut. I landed Gothi saw, and went out, she saw Astrid, her eyes widen and gestured me to come in quickly.

After a few hours of Astrid healing she FINALLY woke up, she looked around and looked at me wide eyed while holding her head.

Astrid's pov
All I saw was black then I woke up to a light. I looked around and found myself holding my head because of a nasty headache in Gothi's hut, then I saw Hiccup sitting in the chair next to me, my eyes widen in surprise... surprise, that Hiccup is here!!

A: Uhhhhhh... what are you doing here and why are you here and what happened?
H: Okay 1: I saved your life from nearly dying 2: because I care and love you and 3-
A: Whoa whoa what?? I thought you didn't love me?
H: I did love I guess I was just too scared of telling you so I got with Merida so I could try to get over you, barely even worked.
A: Oh... well then *scooted nearer Hiccup* at least you know now *kissed him*
H: *shocked for merely a second then kissed back*
A&H: *pulls away*
H: So... you wanna be my new girlfriend?
A: Of coarse I do fishbone
H: *chuckles*

AHHHH. I now love my new life with Hiccup. I guess he's no longer...

Hiccup's pov
I love my new life with Astrid. I am now complete as long as I have her. I guess that I'm no longer...

Astrid&Hiccup's pov


Hey I would like to give a shoutout to Samsonite1131 she inspired me to write a part 2 for this so if anyone of you wanted a part 2 to this then thank her. So thank you Samsonite1131 for inspiring me to do this part2.

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