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(A/N- No exact words.)

~I remember when we were five...

"Stop! Stop it! Please..." Hiccup pleaded as he laid on the ground Snotlout and the Twins were beating him.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Astrid yelled as she walked toward them. They ran away.

Astrid helps him stand up. Then he just backs away looking scared.

"It's ok you don't have to be afraid of me." Astrid said stepping forward. Hiccup didn't move he just smiled.

~I remember all the bad things that happened between you and I...

"Ugh!" Hiccup grunted in pain, as Astrid twisted his hand to make him fall. "That's for beating me."

"And that's for everything else." Astrid said as she dropped the handle of her axe on Hiccup.

Once again he grunted in pain.

-A while later...

Astrid ran jumped over a log but didn't get back down, getting carried of by a dragon.

"Hiccup! Get me down from here!" Astrid yelled at him as she hung by a tree branch.

"Just give me the chance to explain..."

"I am NOT listening to ANYTHING you have to say!!" Astrid yelled.

~But, I also remember the good things...

"That's for scaring me." Astrid said as she punched Hiccup shoulder.

"Ow! W-What? Is it always gonna be like this cause I-" Hiccup started before she cut him off with a kiss. All the other Vikings 'ooohed'.

"Could get used to it." Hiccup finished the sentence when she pulled away.

Astrid smiled slightly and blushed.

~I remember the things we've faced together...

"Whooh! Yeah!" Both Hiccup and Astrid said as they sled on their dragons.

When all of a sudden an avalanche started. Astrid flew away but, Hiccup couldn't because Toothless's tail was frozen.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled reaching for his hand.

"Astrid!" Hiccup grabbed her hand. Which only caused them both to fall in the snow with the dragons.

"Astrid!" Hiccup yelled.

"Hiccup! Over here!" Astrid said back.

"C-Come over here." Hiccup said, and Astrid and Hiccup started to hug for warmth.

~I still remember the end of the battle with Drago...

"Told you, you would find it... in here..." Astrid said as she pressed a button, and Hiccups fin popped out.

Astrid giggled.

"Haha that's hilarious. Come here you..." Hiccup said pulling Astrid toward him. Then kissing her straight on the lips without hesitation.

"Mm!" Astrid mumbled and smiled through the kiss.

~I definitely remember our wedding day...

"This bond can only be broken in the halls of Valhalla." Gobber said, being the priest.

"If anyone objects please speak now or forever hold you peace." He said again.

Nobody answered.

"Then may I now pronounce you Viking and Wife. You may kiss Astrid, Hiccup."

Hiccup and Astrid both smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

After the kiss, Hiccup picked Astrid up bridle style and ran down the isle.

~I remember the birth of our twins...

"Ahhhhhh!" Astrid yelled as she squeezed Hiccups probably broken hand.

"Hold on Astrid. Your almost there! Your doing a great job giving birth to our children!" Hiccup said kissing her cheek.

Astrid smiled faintly then screamed again.

Finally over with the first birth of one of the twins. A boy.

-A while later...

The birth of the second twin was over. A girl.

They held the twins and smiled down at them. They were wrapped in yak skin blankets, to keep them warm.

They smiled as they saw they're children looking at them, giggling and gurgling.

~We've been through almost everything together. So why, why now did you leave, while Haymitch and Angela are still growing. You left them fatherless. How could you do that? Why now did you decide to leave?


Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now