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"~I want you to stay.
Stay forever~"

It was a rainy day and Hiccup was sitting at the bay window at the window pane.

Hiccup wasn't doing anything. He wasn't playing on his phone, or his computer. He wasn't even playing with Toothless.

All he was doing was sitting at the window, staring. Staring at the rain.

He had no emotion on his face. He had no physical pain.

Emotional pain is what he had. His chest is still tightened. The knot in his throat was still there.

He couldn't cry...

He didn't cry...

Not even at her funeral. All he did was stare. Stare at her beautiful face, laying there peacefully in the coffin.

He couldn't and he didn't cry because, he was still processing, that she was actually gone.

He wouldn't be able to wake up beside her anymore.

He wouldn't hear her laugh and her angelic voice anymore.

He wouldn't be able to see her smile that always made his day.


Not anymore...

All he could do now, was sit here, and remember all the memories they made.

The laughs they shared together.

The smiles they put on each others faces.

But that was all gone now.

He couldn't do any of that with her anymore.

The memories now were useless.

But, it was the one of the things that he has to remember her by.

He looked down at his hands.

What he held in his hands was a card.

"Dear, Hiccup

If you're reading this then, I must've died. Cause, this card is to remind you, how much I love you. Remember, I always say, "That love will conquer all." That still hasn't changed. No matter what has happened to me or you. Please, hold on to the memories we have made together, and don't let them go to waste. Share them.

Never forget what we've been through together. We've been together almost our whole lives. And I never want those years to be wasted just because I'm gone.

Live your life. Be happy.

And stay strong. For me...

I Love You"

In the card was a picture. A picture of her. Smiling that big bright smile he always loved.

Hiccup was finally able to process, and finally realized that she was gone. Forever.

Tears sprung in his eyes.

He fell off of the seat on the bay window.

And he cried.

He cried like he never cried before. He yelled and screamed in pain.

It was night, and he was probably disturbing the neighbors, but he didn't care.

He was hugging tightly to the card and the picture.

He then felt 4 little hands on his back hugging him. He looked up seeing the two little duplicates of him and Astrid.

They too, had tears in their eyes, and was whimpering like crazy.

He sat up and put them in his lap.

Together they cried.

They cried for Astrid.

A loving friend...

A loving wife...

And a loving mother...

They will never forget her. Because she will always live on in their memories.

"~Stay Forever..."

Hiccstrid one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now