Broken Soul

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Astrid's pov

I used to be happy once. I used to, laugh, talk, smile, have fun. But now, I'm sad, I never talk, I don't smile anymore, and I'm just scared all the time. I don't know what happened. It just... happened.

And because it did happen. I moved away from Berk, and lived my broken life in Burgess. I also started school there, where I met my new friends, Elsa Arrendale, and her boyfriend Jack Frost.

I started to think the life I left behind. My memories, my happiness, my best friend, who I had a crush on since we were 14, and started kissing him when we were 15. But, I left my happiness on Berk, and I never will return too it again.

I don't know what happened to me, or why it happened. I do know that, fear is now in my life and forever will be in my life, till my last breath.

Time Skip

I'm currently at school. Doing what I usually do. Walk in the school, getting creeped out by all the stares and silence, walking towards my locker, and then getting beat up, then Elsa notices and helps me up, and I continue on with what I need to do do at school, then start the whole thing over AGAIN!!!

But, this time, when I walk over to my locker after lunch (A/N- I'm sorry people, who are in high school, I don't know what goes on there, because I'm not in high school yet.), no one beats me up. They just crowd around someone that I can't get a good look at.

Mostly because, Elsa dragged me away, along with Jack.

"Eek! The new boy is so hot you cannot believe it!! Ahh!" Elsa says.

"Hey! You have a boyfriend you know?" Jack said annoyed.

"I know! I'm just saying he's hot, but! Your HOTTER." She says.

I just roll my eyes and and walk towards my locker, but, I get pulled back again by Jelsa.

"Come on!! You really need to get out there! Maybe he's gonna be the one who breaks the mute, you're on." She said.

I just roll my eyes again, and wrote down on a price of paper, 'I have no time for boys I gotta go', it said. Then I handed it to the couple, and walked away from them.

It's free period, so I went to the music room. I made sure no one followed me. When I saw that no one followed me, I went to the piano and started singing.

Elsa's pov

Astrid just currently gave Jack and I a note saying she has no time for boys, and, she's gotta go. But, go where? I always wonder where she goes on free period.

I decided to follow her. I made sure she didn't hear nor see me.

When I saw her stop at a room. She looked around, and I hid where she can't see me, but I can see her.

Then she went in, I went to the room, but not in the room. I suddenly hear music playing.


Oh holy land
Come ancient spirit
Take up my hands and guide me
Pull me to shore
Rivera at rising
Look in this heart and find me

I've lost my way your voice is silent
I need you here to remind me
Show me now

How to find my home all I am surrender
Let the water flow right through this
Broken Soul

I am by your side ashes still
I proved my worth so tell me

I've lost my way your voice is
I need you here to remind me
Show me now

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