Christmas Gifts

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Third pov (Modern AU)
Christmas Day

Astrid and Hiccup were on a walk together on the beach. Hiccup stopped where they could see the clear view of the sunset. They sat down, and talked about how their future would be like.

Then Hiccup got on one knee, Astrid started crying with joy.

"Astrid, we met when we were 3 years old, and everyone was teasing me because how I was a hiccup. I thought that you would do the same, but, you didn't. From their we became friends, then when we were 14 we became boyfriend and girlfriend. Then our relationship made it all the way to here, we're 20. But now, I want us to be something more." Hiccup said.

Astrid has tears of joy in her eyes. Hiccup pulled a ring out of his pocket, and showed it to Astrid.

"Astrid, I love you more than anything in the world, I even love you more than my own life. So Astrid I think it's time for forever. So, 'Fearless' Astrid Hofferson. Will you marry me?"

"YES! A MILLION TIME YES!!!!" Astrid yelled with tears in her eyes.

1 year later...
Christmas Day

"Do you, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Take this woman to be you lawfully wedded wife?" The priest (Gobber) said.

"I do." Hiccup said with a smile that lasted kilometers.

"And do you, Astrid Sapphire Hofferson. Take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Gobber, (the priest) said.

"I do." Astrid said with the same smile Hiccup had.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

They kissed, and everyone in the church, cheered and and yelled out with happiness.

1 year later...
Christmas Day.

Two soft baby cries were heard in the white room.

Hiccup and Astrid had two little bundles of joy in their arms. One boy, and one girl. Anton and Henrietta.

Few years into the future...
Christmas Day

"So every good memory was on Christmas? Today? On our birthday?" Henrietta asked.

"Yup!" Hiccup and Astrid said at the same time.

"So, every Christmas. You guys celebrate?" Anton asked.

"Yup!" The couple said again.

Hiccup and Astrid's pov

Hiccup-Well, that's the end of the story for now!

Astrid-Remember, every memory that we cherished was on Christmas Day!

Hiccup- Yup! Our Engagement. Our Wedding. And the birth of our Children.

Astrid- So every great memory was...


Christmas Gifts

Hey guys! Sorry I'm late on the update of the Christmas one shot. I was kinda busy since, you know, it was Christmas! Well, gotta go! Bye my little Night Fury's!


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