Bad Boy Gone Good (PART TWO)

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Author's note at the bottom!! Please read!

It was a few months since she came to the school. And, Hiccup has been unusually, kinda weird around her. Also, they got an A+on their project they did.

Astrid was at her locker putting her stuff in it, so she could head home. When she was done, she was about to close her locker when a familiar hand closed it for her.

She observed the hand, and rolled her eyes and groaned when she figured out who it was.

She turned around and looked up at him, with a straight face and annoyed look.

"What do you want... Snotlout?" Astrid said, pushing him aside.

"I want you to do my homework. Or else, I won't tolerate you anymore." Snotlout said, trying to be intimidating and threatening.

It didn't work.

Astrid rolled her eyes, about to leave, but a hand harshly grabbed her wrist pulling her back, and pushing her against the lockers.

Snotlout was about to say something, but a voice cut him off.

"Let her go Snotlout." A firm and serious voice, told him.

Astrid looked towards him, and actually was happy seeing him. Snotlout then let her go, and she ran to Hiccup.

Hiccup put his arm in front of her, which Astrid grasped while he was pushing her behind him.

After a few shouting (A/N: I'm lazy, and running out of ideas) the next thing she knew, punches, throwing and kicking were going around between Snotlout and Hiccup.

"HICCUP!! HICCUP STOP!! STOP!" Astrid yelled, while trying to pull him off of Snotlout. People were gathering all around taking videos and photos of the fight.

Astrid finally was able to pull Hiccup off of Snotlout, and pulled him by the collar, heading outside, to the main grounds of the school.

"What was that about?!" She exclaimed to him, clearly angry.

"He touched you! How was I not supposed to react to that?!" Hiccup told her, with a few blood dripping down his face.

"Why do you care?! Since when did you EVER care?!"

"Since you became mine! And he TOUCHED what's MINE!"

Hiccup grabbed the back of her neck and bended down and kissed her.

She kissed back.

This kiss was rough, and hard. Showing any angry emotions they were feeling.

After about 30 seconds, Astrid pushed Hiccup, and ran the opposite direction from Hiccup, and towards her house.

When she finally got home, she slammed the door, and touched her lips.

Finally realizing that he stole her first kiss... and she was pissed.

She ignored him for the rest of the day, the next day, and the next day, and the next day. That kept on for 2 weeks.

Until she got a call.


"Is this Miss Astrid Hofferson?"

"Yes. This is she."

"We're calling from the Berk city hospital. It's about a boy named Hiccup, we found your name as the first and recently contact of Mr Haddock."


So if I were to publish a new fantasy romance book. Would you read it? Would you vote the book? Would you sharer the book? Even if it's not about Hiccstrid?

Cause I'm going to publish a new book, maybe soon, called Reincarnation Romance. So would you read it? I'm not telling you to, I'm just asking I you would.

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