Run Away

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Hiccup's pov
It's been five year since I left Berk. 5 years since I befriended a dragon. 5 years since I killed the Red Death and lost my left foot. 5 years since I became known as the Dragon Master. Finally it's been 5 years since I met Toothless. And now I have to go back.

Astrid's pov
It's been 5 years since Hiccup's death. And ever since that day I've realized that I had feelings for him, that I loved him and never got to tell him.

~Time Skip~

A: (Sits in the cove) (sigh then sheds a tears) why did you have to go Hiccup?
H:(comes in not noticing Astrid) Hey bud can you do me a favor and stay here until I'm back?
A: ( Heard the familiar voice and walked up to the figure) who are you?
H: AH! Why would you scare me like that?
A: Who are you?! Answer my question!
H: (sighs) Fine I'll show you... I guess this is a good start (starts taking his helmet off)
A: ( looks under the mask and finds Hiccup) (gasps) Hiccup?
H: Hehe... hey! Astrid!
A: Hiccup! (Runs to him gives him a Bear hug and gave him a kiss)
H: (shocked but kissed back)
A&H: (goes on for minutes and pulled away)
H: H-hey A-As-Astrid?
A: Yeah Hiccup?
H: D-do you wa-w-want tobemygirlfriend?!
A: what?
H: Do you want to be my... Girlfriend?
A: YES! Of coarse I'll be your girlfriend!
H: (chuckles and kisses her)
A&H: (has a make out session

Astrid's and Hiccup's pov

Wow this all happened because I/he...

Ran Away.

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