Chapter 12

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(Nadir's POV)

Reza ran around the garden with Sarah chasing Mr. Erik and him around. I smiled as I watched them run around. "Reza!" I called. "Come here, please."

He stopped running and walked over. "What is it, Papa?" I lifted him up into my arms. "Carly needs to give you your shot so that you'll feel better." I said.

"Okay." He said bravely. "I hope this works." He wrapped my arms around his neck. "It will." I said as I hugged him close as I walked inside. He held onto me tightly as I carried him to Carly's room.

"It will only take a few moments." Carly said as she patted a spot for Reza to sit on her bed. I let him down and he hopped onto her bed. "Good." I said. I smiled softly. "How about you sing me a song?" I knew Carly was doing it to keep Reza's mind off the shot.

Reza nodded and began to sing a Persian lullaby that I had sung to him when he was littler. While he was singing, Carly quickly gave him his shot. "There." She smiled as he finished singing. "All done."

He smiled brightly and I knew he hadn't felt a thing. "Thank you, Carly." He hugged her gently. She hugged him back and sighed softly. "You can go on back to playing." She said. He grinned and ran off.

Carly sat down on the bed and watched him go. "Just a few more shots and he'll be completely healed." I leaned against the door frame and smiled. "That's the best news I've ever heard." I said softly as I watched him run down the hall. She smiled softly. "I'm glad to be the one who told you."

"I'm grateful to you." I said. She shook her head. "I'm just doing what I was taught to do."

"Don't brush it off with that. You deserve any complements given you about your work." I straightened. "I need to go find Sarah and Erik and take them to the Shah."

She nodded. "Be careful." She said as she looked up at me.

"I will. I have no idea when I'll be home so if you and Reza get hungry, feel free to ask to have a meal made." I smiled at her and then thought of something. "Unless you want to come with us?"

"I don't want to be a bother." She said as I shook my head.

"You wouldn't be a bother. If you want you can. Though, all you'll probably see other than some pretty gardens is the most spoiled grown man who ever lived." I remarked quietly. She laughed softly. "I'll stay here."

"Alright!" I laughed with her. "Good day then, Carly." I said as I walked to the garden where Reza and Sarah were playing hide and seek. Erik was sitting off to the side. He watched as Sarah closed her eyes and counted while Reza hid. He smiled as she looked for him. I walked over to Erik and smiled as I watched the other two play. "Are you ready to go to the palace?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, I guess I am."

"Alright." I looked over at Sarah and called, "Sarah!"

(Sarah's POV)

I stopped playing and walked over to Nadir. "Yes?"

"It's time to go." Nadir said and then called Reza over and told him to go inside until he came back. Reza nodded and walked into the house. I smiled. "Alright! I'm ready." I said. Nadir smiled and called for his carriage to be readied. The carriage soon arrived and he let us climb inside before us.

Erik and I sat down beside each other. "How long should this take?" I asked as the carriage lurched into motion. Nadir sat down opposite of them. "Not too long, I hope."

"Same." I said as I stared out the window, taking in the sights. Nadir nodded and looked over at me. "Make sure you stay by Erik's side the whole time." I reminded her.

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