Chapter 34

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

There is going to be a whole lot of POV changing in this chapter. I apologize beforehand and I hope it doesn't confuse you!! Also, I will include a picture of the ring and everything else in collage form in the next chapter which will probably be out today as well. I'm trying to make up for lost time. :D



(Erik's POV)

I watched as they all left and I took a sip of a drink that I had left over. "I do want to marry her." I whispered softly.

"Well, good for you." Giovanni said as he leaned back in his chair. "She's a fine young lady."

I leaned back in mine as well and smiled. "I love her so much, Fath- Giovanni." I corrected instantly.

"You can call me father, if you wish." He said.

"I didn't mean to." I whispered as I looked away.

"I don't mind." He said.

"Y-You don't?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Because I'm not even your real son." I told him. "I hurt you."

"If you're speaking of the time involving the mask, I hurt myself. Remember, I ordered you to remove it." He said. "You did only as I asked."

I nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry about everything..." I took a small breath and glanced up at him. "Father."

"It's all forgiven...son." He said with a reassuring tone. "Now, tell me about this girl you are so in love with and who seems to return it." He said.

I smiled softly. "She's just the girl for me. She is kind. Understanding. Forgiving. She's everything."

"I can tell. Have you two ever discussed married?" He asked.

"Not really." I said. "My friend though, he is engaged to the other red headed girl. They were to be married in a few months, but I'm not sure now."

"I'm sure he'll find a way to marry her if he really wants too. There are many ministers who would marry them." He said.

I nodded. "He really wants to, just as I really want to marry Sarah." I told him. "But, I think I might need to wait a little longer. We've only known each other for about half a year."

"Wait too long and someone might try to steal her away." He said as he pulled out his pipe and packed it down.

I looked at him and shook my head with a frown. "They better not." I said as I crossed my arms and scooted down some in my seat.

He laughed a little. "She seems determined to stay with you so perhaps you won't have that problem."

"S-Should I ask her n-now?" I whispered.

"I doubt she would object. I can tell she's quite in love with you. Find a good time in the near future to ask her." He advised.

I nodded. "I haven't even gotten a ring for her." I said with a small laugh.

"There is a nice jewelry shop a few blocks from here that I am sure would have a nice ring." He said as he lighted his pipe. "Perhaps you can go there tomorrow?"

"Can't I go there now, Father?" I asked him anxiously.

"If you want. Would you like me to go with you?" He asked as he smiled slightly. I nodded and stood up immediately. "Let's go." I said and began to walk to the door. He laughed slightly and stood up, tucking his pipe away. "Let me at least fetch my coat." He said as we walked towards the door.

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