Chapter 25

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(Nadir's POV)

Carly smiled as she finished preparing Reza's last shot. She set it down and walked to Nadir's study, "Hey, can you please get Reza for me? It's time for his last shot."

I nodded and stood up. "I'll be right back." I smiled at her and walked to his room. "Reza?" I knocked on the door to his room.

Reza opened the door. "Yes, Papa?"

"Time for your last shot." I said as I picked him up.

"Really?" He smiled. "Then I'll be healed?"

I nodded and grinned. "Completely healed!" I hugged him tightly and then carried him to where Carly was waiting.

She opened her door and let us in. "Ready to sing, Reza?" She asked as she set me on his bed. He nodded and began to sing as I stood there watching.

She smiled and gave him his last shot. "There." She said as she kissed his forehead. "All finished."

He grinned and hugged her. "Thank you, Carly!" He said happily.

"You're welcome, Reza." Carly smiled as she hugged him back. I stepped forward and hugged her. "Thank you, Hasan. Thank you so much." I gently kissed her.

She hugged and kissed me back. "Just doing my job." She said and then leaned down and picked Reza up, "You haven't told me what you want for your birthday yet."

He thought for a moment. "I think I have all I want. You two are together and I'm healed!" He said happily.

(Carly's POV)

I smiled happily and hugged him. I still was going to get him something, I just didn't know what yet.

Reza hugged her back and then looked up. "Can I go tell Sarah and Erik the good news?" He asked hopefully.

I nodded. "Of course." I said as I put him down. "I need to speak with your father anyway." Reza grinned happily and ran from the room.

I watched him go and then looked at Nadir, "What can I get him for his birthday?" I asked softly.

He thought for a moment. "He's always wanted a puppy." He said. "Perhaps that would be a good present?"

I smiled instantly and nodded. "Yes!" I said happily.

He grinned. "It is perfect! He'll love it." He said.

"I think he will too." I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back and lightly kissed my forehead. "What breed do you think would be best?"

"I would say a lab." I told him. "But, I don't think you have those here."

He sighed. "I'll have to ask around and see what kinds we do have." He said.

I nodded. "Well, you still have a little time."

"Yes, his birthday is next week. I can ask around." He said. I nodded and smiled. "I love him so much." I whispered.

"I love him too. You don't know how glad I am not to lose him." He said as he kissed me again. I kissed him back, "I'm just as happy as you are."

He smiled and glanced at the clock. "I have some paperwork I need to do."

I nodded. "And I need to get back to my book. I'm reading it for the fourth time." I laughed.

He laughed. "I'm pleased to see you loved it so much." He stole one more quick kiss before going to his study.

(Reza's POV)

After I had finished telling Sarah and Mr. Erik that I was healed, I had finally figured out what I wanted for my birthday. I smiled and ran as fast as I could down to Papa's office. "Papa!" I said as I knocked on the door.

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