Chapter 23

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(Nadir's POV)

I hopped out of my carriage and hurried to the front door of Carly's house. I knocked and waited for a response. Carly opened the door and smiled softly. "Good evening, Nadir."

I smiled at her. "Good evening, Carly. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me tonight to the Shah's party? I know this is rather late notice and I'm sorry."

She looked at me and frowned. "Nadir, I'm sorry. I don't have a dress for the party."

"I thought of that." I stepped inside the house and laid a box I had tucked under my arm down. "Open it." She looked at me and then opened the box. "Oh, Nadir." She gasped. "It's beautiful."

I smiled sadly. "It was Rookeya's. But, it seems fitting that you should have it." I said softly. She looked at me, "I don't have to wear it." She whispered. "You can go to the party without me."

"I want you to come with me." I said as I reached out lightly touched her shoulder. "I want you to wear it."

She nodded softly and then kissed my cheek. "Give me a moment to change."

"Of course." I kissed her cheek back. "But, hurry!" I said with a smile.

"I will." She laughed as she walked into her room and quickly changed. She walked out moments later, "How do I look?" I asked softly. I was silent for a moment as I stared at her. "Beautiful doesn't describe it." I said as I stepped forward and took her hand, kissing the back of it. The dress look as if it had been made for her.

She smiled at him and blushed. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. It looks as if it was made for you." I said as I extended my arm. "Shall we go?" She took my arm and nodded. Then she looked at me. "Is Reza going to be alright be himself?"

I nodded. "Yes, a longtime servant of the family is watching him." I said as I led her to my carriage.

"I just wanted to be sure." She said as she climbed up into the carriage with my help.

"I understand." I said as I sat down beside her and the carriage began moving. She smiled and looked down at the dress she was wearing. "When did you get this for her?"

"It was the first dress I ever bought her." I said. "We had only been married a week or two."

She nodded. "How long were y'all married?"

"Three years." I said. "We spend most of the time getting to know each other better. When we married, all I knew was her name."

"Really?" She asked. "That's all you knew?"

"Yes, it was an arranged marriage. She was twenty and I was nearly thirty." I said.

"Who arranged it?" She asked.

"The Shah. Rookeya was a daughter of a friend of his." I replied. She nodded. "What did she look like?" She asked, curious.

"She was a small woman with long black hair and green eyes. Bright green eyes. That dress made them shine." I said softly.

(Carly's POV)

I smiled softly and looked out the window. "I'm sure it did." I whispered. The dress was beautiful, no doubt. But, it didn't bring out my eyes, seeing as though they were blue.

"The dress complements your hair." He said as he reached out and lightly caressed a lock of my hair. "And, your complexion."

I looked over at him and smiled once more. "Thank you." I whispered as I took his hand. He squeezed my hand and I noticed we were nearing the palace.

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