Chapter 1: Mystic Falls

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As I drive into the strange town of Mystic Falls, I think of the horrible devastation.

Jacob and Edward are dead. They're dead. Life, love, meaning is all wasted and over. Why would I let them try to kill Victoria by they're selfs?

How could I be so stupid? I held back the tears. I don't even know why I, Bella Swan, would do that.

It felt like there was a giant lump in my throat. And it hurt like hell.

So I moved here to Mystic Falls. Mike said it was the strangest place in the world. But I don't agree. No place is stranger then Forks. Well I would have to see.

Who knew if there was vampires here?


I woke up in my new apartment.

With tears running down my cheeks. All I saw in that dream was Edward getting his head pulled off one hundred times. And Jacob got stabbed so many times. By Victoria.

Memories of being with them both made me hurt. The time me and Edward kissed, when Edward gave me my first dance. When he proposed to me. And when Jake saved me when I fell off the cliff. The time when he kissed me and I hit him. They all hurt me.

I took the covers off my body. I was hungry. Starving. Since I just moved into this town, I didn't get any food yet. Maybe I should eat out.

I took my phone off my nightstand and googled good places to eat out here.

There weren't many things that popped up. There was only five destinations: Ella's Chill and Grill, a Subway, a McDonald's, Mystic Grill, and an Burger King. What in the world is Mystic Grill?

I thought of my choices. I never heard or went to Mystic Grill. But why shouldn't I? I decided to go.

I walked to the bathroom. The bathroom was a small area. The shower was nice though. I had a small mirror over the sink.

I looked at my appearance. I didn't look to bad. My hair looked greasy but it was kind of straight. And I was a bit pale. But my eyes were red. I turned on the sink and splashed cold water on my face. I could not go anywhere until I brushed my hair and teeth.

I went to my room again. I had an bag that had an extra pair of clothes, my straightener, hairbrush, shoes, and toothbrush. I grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth to make sure it was minty and fresh. I put on my extra pair of clothes next. My clothes was a purple tank top, jeans, and a blue jacket. I straightened my hair. Then I headed out.

Feeling like I was in the wrong place...

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