Chapter 21: Guilt

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Hello my readers! So in this part I wanted to write in Klaus's POV. So everyone really has been asking me when Damon will come back. He WILL come back IN THIS BOOK. So just be patient. I know its hard. I don't want to be patient either. Trust me, he'll come back. And Klaus is going to help. But I'll get to writing.

I woke up with Bella's head on my chest. She was so beautiful when she sleeps. I looked down at her, I didn't dare get up. There was light outside, so I guessed it was morning.

I kept remembering the question she asked last night: Will you help me find Damon? Of course I told her I would.

But I already knew where he was. And if I told her where Damon was, she would leave me.

What made Damon so freaking special? He probably gets all the girls, attracts everyone, sleeps with everyone. I had to tell her.

Tomorrow I would tell her, I wanted to at least spend time with her.

At that moment I realized Bella's hand was in mine. I love her. I love Bella Swan.

But of course she doesn't love me. I would have to show her.

But what if she was trying to tell me she loves me? Ugh, this was all so confusing. I love her, she loves Damon. At that minute her eyes fluttered open. I smiled.

"Hello love. How did you sleep?" I asked. "Wonderful. How was your sleep?" she asked in a light tone.

"Amazing. Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded. "But stay here, just for a little." she insisted. I nodded. I took my free hand and stroked my hair. Why was she letting me do this? Bella's hair was as soft as a feather. She smiled.

"We have to find Damon. Today," I stopped stroking her hair. She gave me a confused look.

"Klaus do you know where Damon is?" Bella sat up. Screw it, I had to tell her. Now, damn it. Here I go...

Okay guys I'm about to write another part. So theres a change in plans. THIS FANFICTION IS ENDING TODAY. AT PART 25. I know, its a little early but I'm ready for this to be over. But remember there is going to be a book 2. So I'll go write.

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