Chapter 4: Romantic Evenings

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It was finally six o'clock. I was waiting all day, to see Damon. I had an aching feeling each hour to see him.

It was funny having that aching feeling.

Whenever I wanted to see Edward, I just saw him. With Jacob, I sat down and sulked wishing I could see him.

I wanted to see what happened tonight. I was interested. I wore a knee length green dress. With a black jacket. No makeup, obviously.

I walked up to the boarding house door. The house was small but perfect. I knocked on the door. And then I saw Damon, he was flawless. More flawless then he look this morning. He smiled at me.

"Well come in. I have a lot planned," he said. I nodded and stepped in. I took in the scenery quite well. The living room was flawless. Just like Damon. 

"Okay so you hungry?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm so tired of eating out." I said. He nodded and led me into the kitchen. I could smell Italian food. My stomach rumbled. 

"We should sit down and wait for our waiter," I looked at him smirking.

 "So you have an waiter in your house?" He smiled.

"No its Stefan," he said. I laughed. A vampire as a waiter. How much more entertaining could this get?

Then in came Stefan. Stephan had brown eyes and light brown hair. He was hot, but nothing compared to Damon. I smiled. They both probably had the same smile. 

"Well hello, what drink would you both like today?" I smirked. I already love this place. He smiled at me and he looked into my eyes. I melted a bit inside. 

Then Damon talked, "Just one glass of champagne. Thanks Stefan." He said.

Stefan smiled and left. I tried to protest about drinking, but it obviously didn't work.

The time came when Stefan gave us our food. We got a bread stick and spaghetti. I didn't understand why Damon got some when he is a vampire. Well he was an vampire, a vampire I didn't understand, that I didn't know about. So maybe he ate both blood and food. Damon saw me deep in thought. 

"What are you thinking about?" he looked at me asking.

"Just thinking. I have a few questions for you," He nodded. I indicated it was okay to ask. 

"Well my first is, do you eat both real food and blood?" I looked at him just to make sure if he was eating. His bread stick and spaghetti wasn't touched. That was enough to answer my question.

"No, I mean I can, but I don't. This was only for the scenery. Blood helps our strength and satisfies us. Human food only makes us hungry, and in my opinion its disguising. But what else?" I thought. I looked down at his hand, and he had a large blue ring on his hand. 

"Why do you wear that huge ring?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well unlike your ex, I don't glitter in the sun. I burn. I know, its a common myth but its true. One step outside without this thing and I burn, light on fire, and die." he said. I flinched. So the myths were true. Well some of them. I thought back to the talk I had with Edward about vampire myths, and then something else came to me. 

"Do you sleep in a coffin?" I asked. Damon only smiled.

"No. That one is an myth," I thought some more. I was out.

"Well then that's it," he nodded.

"But I have a huge question for you." he told me. I nodded and picked up my bread stick and nibbled on it.

"Okay, ask away." I was kind of afraid of what he was going to ask me. And I was stunned when he did.

"When you were around Edward for so long, did you ever get the feeling you wanted to become a vampire too? And do you still want too?" I stopped chewing. And my cheeks burned. Did I still want to? Did I want this? To live forever? To be strong? I thought. And Damon let me. The answer came clearly in my mind: Yes, I smiled by the answer. I always did want to. But that was Edward's type of vampire. Damon's was different. But I still wanted it. 

"When I was with Edward, it was clear I wanted it. But he always told me I shouldn't have it. He always thought I would be unhappy. But I wanted to be like him. To protect him from every little thing that would threaten him. To be beautiful-" Damon immediately began talking.

"Look, Bella you already are beautiful. You might be human but your beautiful. And do you still want to become one?" he asked. I smiled and went over the sentence in my head at least a billion times. I am beautiful. Then I answered the question with complete confidence.

"Yes," he nodded.

"I would give it to you." he said. I looked straight into his eyes. I melted. He demanded for me to agree. And then I realized, I was falling in love with him. But I didn't care.

Then I looked down, smiling. Then for the rest of the meal we talked and made jokes. The time came for when the date was over, and I hated for it to end. We were by the door. "You can stop by anytime you want. I'll be fine with it." he said.

I nodded. But I didn't want to leave. I didn't. Then I looked at him, and then he looked at me. We stared at each other. And that did it.

Damon raised one hand, and put it on my cheek. He brushed his finger tip on my cheek. I then took my hand and put it on his hand that was on my face. He smiled by the gesture.

I could feel this burning, happy feeling building inside of me. And I didn't want it to stop. At all.

Damon got closer to my face. I wanted this. So much. Anxiety started building up, and I couldn't wait. So fast enough, I crushed my lips against his.

Damon smiled under my lips, and I did the same. We stayed that way for a while then I backed up. We both breathed. Damon smiled deviously. I couldn't help but smile back. Then he came up to me and kissed my neck.

I knew where this was leading, but did I want to stop? No. No. No. He kept going and I finally took his head in my hands and kissed him with full passion.

He then picked me up and put me against the wall next to the door. We kissed. And then stopped.

Damon still held me, and he kissed my neck. I loved this, I haven't been kissed like this since Edward. That was what we did for the last few minutes, then I had the courage to speak up.

"Damon Salvatore I love you," he smiled.

"I love you more Bella Swan." I smiled. Then he carried me to his bedroom and I smiled the whole way.

A New Beginning: Bella and Damon Book One ✔Where stories live. Discover now