Chapter 11: Strangers

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Unknown Point of View
I was back in New Orleans. I could still remember the sweet smell. I for some reason being an idiot, didn't follow the smell. I went inside my house. Rebekah was waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been?" I rolled my eyes.

"Dear sister didn't you miss me? No welcome home? No hug?" Rebekah rolled her eyes and put on her sassy talk.

"Well you've been gone for a few days abd you could've warned someone," Rebekah went into the living room. I followed her.

"Well on my little trip to Mystic Falls I got this amazing smell. It smelled amazing. A hundred times better then regular human blood. I smelled like a strawberry tart. I can still think about it," Rebekah smiled.

"Well did you attack the human?" I shook my head.

"Sadly no. The bad thing is she was near the Salvatores boarding house," Rebekah stopped straighting up the pillows ad threw one across the room.

"Don't you ever say that name again!" She breathed in and out. I knew Rebekah had a past with Damon, and she was always mad about it. She would kill anyone who even shouted his name.

"Calm down Rebekah there's more about the human," Rebekah sat down and listened.

"I know the human is a girl. And if her blood is that strong, then imagine her a vampire. If I bite her, and her blood and The Originals venom she'll be almost as strong as all of us combined." Rebekah standed up ad smiled.

"Well lets go. I'm dieing for a new friend." I smiled. And then we ran all the way across New Orleans

Damon continued his story. One minute he was speaking, the order he was holding me in his arms. We were in his room and laying on his bed. He smiled.

"You can keep telling your story," I said. At this point, I was sitting in his lap and he was stroking my hair.

"How can I continue when I am this distracted?" He smiled I gave him a look.

"Okay I'll get off of-" He silenced me with a sweet slow kiss. I stopped him by backing away. I got out of his lap.

"Bella," Damon said impatiently. I smiled.

"Fine," I got back in his lap. He kissed me. Suddenly, someone burst inside and broke the door. Literally.

Damon moved me out of his lap. There was two people I've never seen before. One has pale skin, honey blond hair, and glowing blue eyes. And then a women with the same features. They could be related. Anyways the men smiled at me.

"Isn't she a beauty?" He said. Damon growled.

"What do you want, Klaus?" Klaus, so that was his name.

"I want your little girlfriend,"

"You can't have her." he growled. Klaus looked down and punched Damon.

So that was our chapter! I hope enjoyed! Remember to share, vote and comment! Love you guys! Hope you have a good day! Bye!

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