Chapter 15: Why Does She Mean So Much To You?

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I can not literally believe it! We got 1.2 K views! Since you guys helped me out so much, I am making this chapter in STEFAN'S POV. And today I'm making 2 more chapters! So something to make you guys Saturday better, I'll make 2 more chapters. And guys thank you for all the suggestions you gave me for the story in my last A/N. Okay I'll stop blabbering and start writing. Enjoy.

I was tired. I felt weak. I needed to find Bella and Damon.

Where could they of went? Damon would never run away. At least not now.

I was sitting at the board house having a supernatural meeting.

I brought Tyler (I don't even know why), Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline, and Matt. I was standing up explaining.

"Alright guys, so I brought you here today because as you know Bella and Damon have been missing for three days, almost four," I began. Everyone nodded. Elena wasn't happy about Damon being gone. Especially if Bella is involved.

I'm starting to think she's jealous. The weird thing is Elena is almost never jealous. This world is really turning upside down.

"So I need all of you to help me find where they are," Tyler and Matt looked down. I gave Tyler a confused look. He answered to the face,

"We don't even know this Bella girl and Damon is an asshole. Why should we help them? I mean Bella could've killed him or something," I rolled my eyes at Tyler. He always says everything in such a freaking negative way!

"He has a point," Elena said. My jaw went down to the ground. Oh so now it was Elena?

"Elena!" Elena looked down.

"Like Tyler said Bella might not be what she seems," I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you all acting like this? You help with everything else!" Elena gave me a look.

"Elena I think your just being jealous," Elena rolled her eyes.

"Stefan why does she mean so much to you?" She yelled.

"Elena!" Caroline yelled.

"Because my brother might be in trouble. And Bella is human she can get hurt," I said firmly. It was one minute of silence until Elena got off the sofa.

"You know what? I'm out of here. If you want to help your little human, then go ahead. But I'm not going to be apart of any of it. Tell me when Damon comes back," Elena started walking out.

"Elena!" Caroline and Bonnie yelled together and went after her. Jeremy followed too. And then Tyler. Matt was the only one left. I looked down.

"Stefan I'm sorry, man." he said. I nodded.

"She's jealous," Matt said. I nodded.

"She just needs to understand this isn't about Bella. Its about Bella and Damon. To keep them safe." I said. Matt nodded.

"Look, if you need me to help out I will. Okay?" Matt asked. I nodded.

"Okay, I'm going home. Bye Stefan," I nodded and Matt left.

I sat on the sofa, thinking. Where are they? Damon would've never left like this. I laid down on the sofa, and thought. For hours.

Okay guys that was our chapter! It actually took a while for me to write this. So I'm going to go make the next chapter. Remember guys I'm writing 2 more chapters today so keep checking your notifications for Wattpad. Because I am about to make Chapter 16 and 17. Alright guys I'll go write! Love you guys!


A New Beginning: Bella and Damon Book One ✔Where stories live. Discover now