Chapter 5: One Horrible but Beautiful Dream

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Hey people! So for this part I added a few Edward, Jacob, and Bella chapters from the Twilight series so you can also read these! Well their like the chapters, so thank you! Thanks guys! Talk to you later!


I laid in Damon's soft silk bed. He had his arm around me and he was sleeping. I smiled. I absolutely loved Damon Salvatore. His skin was soft and beautiful. So I fell asleep looking at it.


I was walking down the street in the dark, the place looked familiar. I was in an alley way, carrying a book.

Then I remembered, this is the first time I was saved by Edward Cullen. I kept seeing the flashback, then I remembered what I was hiding from, men. From the group of men. Then there they were, chasing me.

Why was I so stupid back then? It was not to long till they caught up with me, and one of them touched me and I said,

"Don't touch me," and then I hit them. And in a flash, a shiny SUV came racing over there. And then there he was. Edward, beautiful and in the flesh.

"Get in the car," my old self obeyed. I got into the car and slammed the door shut. Then the vision changed.


I was in the woods, with Edward. I looked like I was about to cry, and I still remembered this memory to this day. I listened carefully.

"And I'm going to promise you something," My old self nodded, "I will never come back. I will never talk to you, visit you, or anything. It will be as if I never existed." And that still stung.

The vision shifted. I had many flashbacks. From the time Jacob saved me from drowning, to the time Edward proposed to me. And when they died. They all had something in common: pain and sometimes even happiness.

But the last thing that happened in my dream wasn't an flashback. I was sitting on the cliff of Forks in La Push. I was with Damon, Jacob, and Edward. It looked and felt so very real.

The waters below us were crystal clear. And there was a breeze in the air. We all were sitting there. But then and there, something happened. Damon wrapped his hands around me protectively. 

"Damon whats wrong?" I whispered. He didn't answer. Damon looked at Jacob and Edward with evil eyes. 

"You will not take her away from me!!!!!!" Jacob screamed. I never heard him be this mad.

He screamed again the same thing, so I put my head in Damon's chest. I felt a little more safe, but not enough. Then Edward stepped in.

"Bella loves me more then she'll ever love anyone else!" Why did they do this? I loved Damon now, I stepped out of Damon's arms. And that just made everything horrible.

At that moment, in a thrash Jake turned into a wolf and moved toward Damon, then Edward showed his fangs.

Then Edward used his vamp power, and tried to push Damon. But then I somehow jumped in front of him and pushed Edward off the cliff then my eyes flew open.


I gasped and sat up on the bed. I started sobbing and Damon sat up. 

"Wow, wow. Whats A child that would easily kill it's own mother while she's still carrying it wrong? Bad dream?" I nodded.

Damon wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head against his bear chest and I was crying. Damon let me. I was happy I was with me, I wouldn't get through this move. 

"What was it?" he asked in a soft voice. I explained it and he listened the whole way.

"I'm sorry," he said. He was about to say something, but then we looked at each other for the longest time.

Then I grabbed on to his face, and I kissed him with lots of passion. And we stayed like that. And after that, we went to sleep. And I fell asleep in his arms. I realized this was where I wanted to be.

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